Well...I am now in "transition week" here at the YWAM base in Kona, HI. "Transition Week" can also be known as "Desolate Week" because most everyone that was in a previous school have now gone on their outreaches, and everyone else is home, returning the 8th of July. Therefore, the base is so empty.
I had the amazing pleasure to have my family out here and join me for a week or so of this transition, which was seriously a tremendous blessing. It is crazy how refreshing my family is to me. So to be in Kona, Hawaii, with my family, hanging out with nothing holding me back was pretty amazing.
But now they have left and I am here, waiting, praying, and anticipating the next big step.
The thing that I just realized I was typing this blog was that although it is hard during transition week, I find that I am constantly able to truly be invited to be alone with Jesus. For in the times that I long to be doing something, what better thing to do than to waste all my time on my Savior, my Creator, my Maker, my Father, my Best Friend?
I am starting to look forward to this desolate week. I have anticipation to what the Lord is going to do, even in the times that are the most quiet and that I feel most alone. Jesus is that good to show up no matter how I feel. That is why I like to consider Him my Best Friend.
Again, as most of you know, Phase 2 (School of Revival and Reformation) that I am attending starts July 8th. I am in need of around $4,000 for lecture phase (the first deposit of $1,000 is due July 8th), and then $4,000-6,000 for outreach phase. Please pray and if you feel led to help support me, my email is the.daniel.york@gmail.com, or you can donate through PayPal, which is at the "Donate" link at the top of this blog. Thanks so much guys!
Much love,