Flying is amazing. I look out the windows of a plane as we fly high in the sky across the ocean, and I am truly blown away by the fact that we can travel hours and hours across oceans and land, and then end up somewhere completely different. It's like, after just a few short months of preparation and perseverance, I finally was able to board a plane and travel 10 hours or so across the United States...That is pretty crazy.
It is also like times of trial in our walk with the Lord. With perseverance and motivation through the times that seem to weigh us down -knowing the Lord is always faithful- when all is said and done, we end up at a completely new level than where we thought we could be. The Lord is so much committed to our highest than we are, and we get upset with the few small sufferings that come our way that unknowingly push us far beyond our expectations and dreams of where we thought we could be. It is amazing. We raise enough faith miles to finally get on the plane of personal growth and land far beyond where we realize in the land of revelation and wisdom.
I am in Boston now, praising the Lord that I am officially here and ready to go with my team! We are staying at the JHOP (Justice House of Prayer) here and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in this beautiful city.
If some of you are wondering about my finance situation, I still am needing to raise $2,900 while on this trip. There were a few exceptions being as no one on my team was able to raise all the money right away. The exception is that we have to have enough money for our next location, meaning we can be raising on the road. So if you guys could still continue to pray and contend for the provision to come in so my team and I can continue to go on this amazing journey, that would be awesome. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab at the top, and all the info will be there!
Thanks guys!
I couldn't be here without you!
God bless.