
Saturday, September 25, 2010


Flying is amazing. I look out the windows of a plane as we fly high in the sky across the ocean, and I am truly blown away by the fact that we can travel hours and hours across oceans and land, and then end up somewhere completely different. It's like, after just a few short months of preparation and perseverance, I finally was able to board a plane and travel 10 hours or so across the United States...That is pretty crazy.

It is also like times of trial in our walk with the Lord. With perseverance and motivation through the times that seem to weigh us down -knowing the Lord is always faithful- when all is said and done, we end up at a completely new level than where we thought we could be. The Lord is so much committed to our highest than we are, and we get upset with the few small sufferings that come our way that unknowingly push us far beyond our expectations and dreams of where we thought we could be. It is amazing. We raise enough faith miles to finally get on the plane of personal growth and land far beyond where we realize in the land of revelation and wisdom.

I am in Boston now, praising the Lord that I am officially here and ready to go with my team! We are staying at the JHOP (Justice House of Prayer) here and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in this beautiful city.
If some of you are wondering about my finance situation, I still am needing to raise $2,900 while on this trip. There were a few exceptions being as no one on my team was able to raise all the money right away. The exception is that we have to have enough money for our next location, meaning we can be raising on the road. So if you guys could still continue to pray and contend for the provision to come in so my team and I can continue to go on this amazing journey, that would be awesome. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab at the top, and all the info will be there!

Thanks guys!
I couldn't be here without you!
God bless.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


"The mysteries of God are hidden from us so we have to find them...the greatest part of love is the pursuit"
-Jake Hamilton

As believers, we tend to make our walk with the Lord way more complicated than it really needs to be. The main purpose in life is to pursue the knowledge of our God. We to seek Him and never lose the sight of our first love.

It is a pursuit.

What fun would it be to find all the hidden mysteries of Jesus at once? What more would there be to look forward to? Heaven is going to be constant revelation and understanding of who the Lord is forever. We will never get sick of finding the treasures of heaven and the Kingdom of God. To be submerged constantly in the knowledge of who the Lord is; to see His radiant beauty everyday and to never get sick of it; to learn more of our very creator, Father, and Savior. For me, I will not give up the pursuit.

In the meantime, I am almost on my way to the East Coast and to Israel! The Lord has been so faithful. I cannot even believe that this past quarter has gone by so fast. But on wednesday, I am heading out with my team. There is still much need for finances, but the Lord has never not been faithful! I personally still need $3,500 by wednesday, fully trusting the Lord to bring it all in, because it is His will and His bill. Thank you guys so much for praying and for supporting me on this amazing journey. If you guys would continue to pray, that would be amazing. And if you guys feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. If so, click "East Coast/Israel" above for all the details!

Thanks again!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lo St.

To come from being lost from love to being lost in love
Is a battle won by the one who is Love.
We tend to look at the world through our own filter of judgement
When Judgement comes from the the eyes of Adoration.
To be grateful in the midst of suffering,
That is what will nurture our perspective of the way we love.

Suffering for Jesus burgeons a likeness within our own spirit.
We relate,
We communicate
With the One who gave himself up as nothing.
I am pretty sure He knows what He is doing,
Who are we to transform complication into comfort?

One more week until my team and I head out for the East Coast and then to Israel! Our team still needs quite a bit of financial support. I personally need $3,500 by September 22d! If you guys want to know more about what my team and I are doing, click on the "East Coast/Israel" link above. There, it has detailed descriptions about what I am doing and ways of supporting me! Thank you all for who have prayed and supported me! Please continue to pray, and if you feel led to help support me, just click on that link! Thanks so much!


"What will we do with all the old made new? What will we do with all the dead made young? What will we do with all the false made true? What will we do? What will be done? There's a spirit fire growing inside me. Burn me down, burn me down. There's a holy fire growing inside me. Burn me down, burn me down."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Amo L'amore

There is nothing quite like being gripped by true love. And by true love, I mean love beyond words; love that goes beyond the typical, dulled-down version of the simple "I love you" that most of us here and don't fully understand the weight of. I am talking about love that goes beyond all understanding and comprehension. It is crazy to grasp that there is a love like the one I am explaining.

There is a love that tears away all fears; it shatters all expectancy of who we are and who we think we should be. It shines the light on insecurities, then reveals who we really are. There is a love that can replace all heartache and pain; that can supernaturally erase all hurt. I may sound like a melodramatic record, but I have just found myself so humbled by the fact that I am loved by my Maker beyond what words can express. This live is all about loving Him more and more. I love, He will do the rest. That is where His faithfulness is most noticeable; that is where His peace is found; that is where His joy is evident. Heidi Baker spoke this week, and the Lord's love and joy is so evident in her life, and during her ministry, she exploded more revelation of the Lord's love on my life.

So yes...I don't mind sounding cliche, but it is hard not too when you become overcome. He has proved to me over and over how good He is. On September 22nd, as all of you know now I am sure, I am heading out with my school to the East Coast and Israel for a total of 3 months. Our team needs $50,000 as a whole, and I need $5,000 personally. But it is amazing, because the Lord's love has erased all worry and stress. I know it will come in, just not sure how.

If you guys would, please continue to pray. I so believe that pray changes things. If you feel like the Lord is putting on your heart to help support me financially, I would be SO blessed and you would be an answer to my prayers! You can click the "East Coast/Israel (Help Donate)" button on top and read all the info on how to give! You guys are awesome!
Much Love!
