
Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Journey Across the Sun

I am sitting here inside a small computer lab trying to receive enough internet reception to be able to write and post this blog. As I am sitting here, I am blown away just thinking about the world and where we are at in this generation. Technology is absolutely incredible, but I thought we would at least have hover cars like the movies said we would. Still, everything seems to be at the palm of our hands. But the thing that boggles my mind is that in the end, everything that people have invested so much time in and have hyped up so much will be gone.
Everything is meaningless under the sun.
I am not saying that owning the latest technology or being fascinated with the such is a bad thing, but as soon as we place those things as a higher priority than seeking in the word for the pursuit of our first Love, we have lost the any motivation for the purpose of life. I am learning more and more everyday the challenges, the beauty, and the joy that is involved in the secret place with Jesus, away from all distractions, just gazing into His beauty. Nothing else will satisfy quite like He does.
We need to get over the sun.
I am currently in Harrisburg, heading out in the next couple days to Ohio! We have had amazing time out here partnering with the Fire and Fragrance YWAM base out here. We have had the opportunity to minister to them, and it has been so much fun just being around family. We only have a few weeks until we head out to Israel, which is so crazy. I personally still need some breakthrough with finances to be able to make the whole thing possible. As of right now, I need around $1,100 for the rest of my finances. Thanks so much for all your prayers so far. Seriously, it has blessed me immensely. And if you would, continue to partner with me in prayer. That would bless me more than you will know. But if you do feel led to help support me, click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above for details on how to do that!


Saturday, October 16, 2010



The ground beneath,
The birthing place of many things,
Joins the sky
To create wide and high.

From a chivalrous green
Transformed to be much more than one thought it could be.
As it longs,
It plays the Maker’s songs.

Many remark
Of the Maker’s specific marks;
Deep groves,
Acres of Hope.

Arms raised high
Waving from side to side.
Imitating perfectly
A worship that glorifies it’s one and only true King.

Dust of the ground
Created with our very own sound.
From a breath
We imitate from life to death,

A worship that glorifies our one and only true King.
We imitate perfectly;
Waving from side to side
Our arms high.

Acres of hope,
Deep groves.
To our Maker’s specific marks
Many remark.

We play our Maker’s songs
As we long
To be transformed more than we thought we could be;
To a holy being.

Wanting to create wide and high
Glory filled skies
For the one who loves everyone.
The Lord above.

I have found that out that more and more the Lord never will dissatisfy our souls. If you feel dissatisfied, that is not the Lord. No matter the high or low that we experience, the Lord is always faithful to His word, and in the end, as long as we keep our eyes upon Him and His will, our souls will never be dissatisfied.
I want to be one that is dissatisfied with contentment. I want my soul to experience the satisfaction of the Lord, and then to always be hungry for more of Him. Jesus is forever faithful, never fleeting. This thought has just been on my mind for a bit, and I wanted to write it out.
I am currently in Philadelphia now, heading out tomorrow to Harrisburg, PA. Our time here has been short, but sweet. The Lord has been so faithful to our team. We have seen healings take place, we have seen broken hearts mended, and we have witnessed the love of the Lord over our team in such exciting ways. We are excited for what is next! As of right now, I only need around $1,000 for outreach! God has been so faithful and I am blown away by His provision so far. But if you would, please continue to pray!
Prayer Requests:
-Team Unity.
-The Lord's will to undoubtedly go forth.
If you feel at all led to help support me, please click on the "East Coast/Israel" link above for information on how to do that! That would be such a tremendous blessing! Thanks so much for all your prayers and support thus far! I so appreciate it!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gnaw Ledge

"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly,
'I never knew you...'" -Matthew 7:22-23

As I was walking down the streets of Boston, I found myself pondering upon the purpose of ministry and the purpose of our outreach. It was normal for me to want to see fruit, to see people healed and restored, to see salvations, and to see signs and wonders. I longed to see the fruit of our ministry. But the Lord during this time has been stirring in my heart a pure longing to know Him more...and that was it: we are to fall more and more in love with the Lord in the pursuit of the knowledge of Him.
Out of the place of seeking after the knowledge of the Lord, signs and wonders will begin to go forth, but it is only because we long to see the glory of the Lord go forth as well, not because our own benefits. It is so easy for us to seek the spiritual gifts and to seek signs and wonders, but we need to understand that if we do not know who the Lord is, all we our doing is seeking after our own glory, not the Lord's. Signs and wonders are obviously things we should want to see, but it should come out of the overflowing of the heart from the knowledge of who the Lord truly is.
The Lord is so faithful and loving. He desires to be alone with us and for His glory to go forth into the earth. Oh, that the Lamb would receive the reward of His suffering!

I am currently in New Jersey, and I am so stoked for what the Lord is going to do here. We are partnering with a house of prayer down here called The Resting Place. It is going to be an awesome time of raw worship and pursuit of and even more intimate relationship with the Lord. We are expectant as a team for the Lord's sovereignty to go among us. Thank you guys for all your prayer and support his far. I am currently in need of a lot of money for the Israel portion of my outreach. If you want to learn more about that and how to donate, click the "East Coast/Israel" tab up top!
Thanks guys!
