I am thankful to be in Israel. It truly is an incredibly beautiful place. I sometimes don't understand why the Lord called me here. In my weakness and in my incapability, He still called me into His land...where His chosen people are. It still is so surreal to be here, even though I have seen things that I have read in the bible. It seems to only make sense that the bible has become more alive and real in my heart and mind, yet I still feel this surreality in the midst of all that I am seeing.
But in the midst of seeing where Jesus walked, to see where He will return, and to see where He could have possibly been buried, I still want more of the reality of where I am and what I really am seeing. Yet, that is the amazing thing. The thing is, Jesus is the very one that lives inside of me...it isn't a historical/biblical site that will gain the heart of the Lord, it is constantly growing deeper into and understanding of who He is and who I am in light of His glory; in light of the Royal Priesthood given to me by Him. Israel will only continue to help me understand the Lord and His heart for His people, but it won't end up giving me His heart. Does that make sense?
Either way, it is quite the journey being out here in the Holy Land still. It really is one of the most amazing places I have been. It has been a week of understanding the land and the Jewish and Muslim people here in the land. Jesus is so faithful.
Oh, that He would gain the hearts of His chosen ones.
Lord, let today be the day that you open their eyes!
I have around 2 or 3 weeks left. Please continue to pray for us. I so appreciate all the prayers and support thus far. For those who are wondering, I am still having slight difficulty with my ticket back home...so please continue to pray. I know the Lord has it all in His hand. I trust Him! For that I am thankful....
Happy Thanksgiving from Israel.