
Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Heavens

I am thankful to be in Israel. It truly is an incredibly beautiful place. I sometimes don't understand why the Lord called me here. In my weakness and in my incapability, He still called me into His land...where His chosen people are. It still is so surreal to be here, even though I have seen things that I have read in the bible. It seems to only make sense that the bible has become more alive and real in my heart and mind, yet I still feel this surreality in the midst of all that I am seeing.
But in the midst of seeing where Jesus walked, to see where He will return, and to see where He could have possibly been buried, I still want more of the reality of where I am and what I really am seeing. Yet, that is the amazing thing. The thing is, Jesus is the very one that lives inside of isn't a historical/biblical site that will gain the heart of the Lord, it is constantly growing deeper into and understanding of who He is and who I am in light of His glory; in light of the Royal Priesthood given to me by Him. Israel will only continue to help me understand the Lord and His heart for His people, but it won't end up giving me His heart. Does that make sense?
Either way, it is quite the journey being out here in the Holy Land still. It really is one of the most amazing places I have been. It has been a week of understanding the land and the Jewish and Muslim people here in the land. Jesus is so faithful.

Oh, that He would gain the hearts of His chosen ones.
Lord, let today be the day that you open their eyes!
I have around 2 or 3 weeks left. Please continue to pray for us. I so appreciate all the prayers and support thus far. For those who are wondering, I am still having slight difficulty with my ticket back please continue to pray. I know the Lord has it all in His hand. I trust Him! For that I am thankful....
Happy Thanksgiving from Israel.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Hear, O' Israel

"So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous." -Romans 11:11

What a humbling thing to know that the Jewish People are the Lord's chosen ones; that the hardening of their hearts was so that we (Gentiles) could be grafted in to understand and be saved by the Lord's love all to make the Israelites jealous.

Oh Lord, Your mercy is amazing.

Our team has arrived in Israel safely and it has been such a humbling experience so far. We are now in Jerusalem and had the opportunity to go to the Old City Jerusalem to see the wailing wall. I watched as hundreds of Jews kissed the wall, placing their hands along the worn down smooth stone, and begin to cry out to the Lord. They all were moved by the Lord, believing their prayers were being heard. I watched, feeling so confused as to what was going on. The presence of the Lord was so thick, but did anyone even know that His presence was truly resting among them? How can the Jewish People be so devout to the Lord God, but not understand Jesus as their savior? They are so much more devoted than some of us will ever be, yet, they do not experience the fullness. It broke my heart.
I began to ask the Lord what I could even do to affect His people. "Lord, what can I do? How do I touch your chosen ones?"
I felt like the Lord said, "Oh, that you would love them..."
They really will know us by our love. It is the only thing we can show them love and mercy just as Jesus has shown us His love and mercy by grafting us in. We can only love His chosen ones so that they may know Jesus. their eyes that they may see!

Thank you guys for your prayers. The Lord has been so good and faithful to us. If you could though, please be praying. I have been having some difficulties come up with plane tickets back home. I still need around $200+ or so to switch my ticket, but there are no tickets available at the moment! So please be praying the Lord makes a way where there is none! And if you feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above to find out how!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Departure, part III

It has been a long anticipation, but the time is finally here. Our team has traveled the east coast, ministering to churches and worshipping the Lord, and it has been truly an incredibly challenging, amazing, and humbling time. The Lord has been so faithful to us, providing in crazy ways and teaching us more of His heart. In that process, our foundations have been shaken and we have had no other hope but to set our eyes upon Jesus, and in that process, grow closer together as a family. But the thing is, when we ask the Lord to give us His heart, He will do it because He is faithful, and that never always looks the way we think it will.
Our time here in Nashville has been a time to understand more of the heart of the Lord, specifically for His chosen people - for Israel. The Lord loves us so much, that we would enter in as adopted sons and daughters to His family. His firstborn are the Jewish People. Jesus loved them, but in order for them to know the glory of the Jesus Christ, He invited us in to make the Jewish People jealous of the relationship between us and the Lord. Oh, that we would know how real the Lord's heart is for us and for His people!

Hear O' Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One!
I am heading out to Israel tomorrow, the 18th, and am freaking out - just a little bit. I can't believe the time is finally here. Jesus has so prepared my heart and I can't even imagine what the Lord is going to do in each of our spirits! Jesus, thank you for calling me to Israel for such a time as this! You are worthy. Lord, that I would be able to obtain Your heart for Your people. Thank You for Your love...I am ready!
If some of you are wondering, my outreach is finally paid for! Praise Jesus! But I am still needing a couple hundred to get a ticket back home. Thank you all for your prayers and support! It means so much to me. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be awesome. Click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above to find out how!

Ready, set...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Loaves of Bread

Matthew 4:1-11 explains the story of the temptation of Jesus Christ. As I have been on outreach, the Lord has been revealing so much of His character in these verses. Verses 8-10 say,
"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, 'All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.' Then Jesus said to him, 'Be gone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.'"
The thing that amazes me is the Jesus Christ was a man, in His flesh, when satan took him into the wilderness and tempted Him. I have read this passage so many times, never really understanding how Jesus was truly tempted because He is, well, Jesus Christ. But as a man, satan took Him and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in ALL their GLORY! All Jesus had was the promise of His Father that His inheritance is the kingdom of heaven and that it would be given to Him when He would die upon the cross. Satan basically said to Jesus that the same promise from His Father would be given to Him instantaneously if He would just bow before Satan. But Jesus knew of the promise of His Father, and held on to it.
Who is this man that came to earth and died upon His cross? Who gave up the kingdoms and their glory in an instant just to fulfill the promise of His Father? Oh Lord, you are so faithful!

I have been getting wrecked by that revelation quite a bit recently, and wanted to share a few of my thoughts on that. But now on to the practical side, I am in Washington DC at the moment, and it has been crazy. My birthday was on November 3rd, and on the 2nd, we held a Life Siege outside of the Supreme Courthouse all day to contend for pro-life senates on the day of election. I was out there from 9:00-10:30 in the morning and then again at 10:30-12:00 midnight. I ended my 19th year of life outside of the courthouse contending for the ending of abortion. It was such a ridiculously awesome experience!
We are here for a few more days and we believe the Lord is really placing inside each of our hearts His heart for intercession. We want His heart and nothing else!

Please continue to pray for our team and the unity in general. Also, a lot of us still need financial breakthrough. We leave for Israel in a week and a half! I am SO excited! Please continue to pray that each of us will receive the money to be able to make this possible! Thank you guys so much for you prayers! If you do feel led to help support me, click the "East Coast/Israel" link above on how to do so. I still need around $800.00 and that is it!
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support thus far!
God bless.
