
Monday, December 27, 2010

Stars in Still Water

I sometimes feel like a broken record, but I am just constantly reminded of the revelation that everything truly does come back to relationship with Jesus. At the end of the day, when we look into the light of Jesus' face, the fears and worries that we have held on to seem to fade away as we then look into the hope and glory of our Father.

Our Creator; our Maker; our Father is with us always. The very thing we worship and live our daily lives for is the very thing that is in our being.

Notably, it is always encouraging and sometimes relieving when the Lord chooses to speak to us through someone else. But when all is said and done, we can be with our Lord and listen to exactly what He is speaking to us in that very moment.

I have been home the past week and a half, and it really has been so amazing to be here for Christmas. We as a family have seen the Lord move in sovereign ways and we have all caught glimpses of His immense faithfulness to us personally and to our family.
It just seems so obvious, but the Lord is faithful, and He desires a relationship with us...and if He is really as good as we say He is and if we really do believe that He is with us always, why not desire an intimate relationship with Him too?

He wants to speak to us and be with us.

Tomorrow, I head back to Kona, HI to continue staff training. And then, on January 6th, all the new students for the quarter arrive, and that is when this journey truly begins! Thank you guys all for your prayers. It truly means a lot to me. I am still in need of around $500 of monthly support. That is only $10 from 50 people...or $25 from 25 people. If you would, please pray and ask the Lord if you can partner with me in this season of discipleship. If you do feel led, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click on the "Information" tab to find out how to donate!
Thanks again!


Monday, December 20, 2010


When I look back at this past year, I am blown away at what I have accomplished in my life through the Lord. I have been to 7 different countries within this past year, I have made new friendships that I know will last a life time, and I have had a far more significant understanding of who Jesus is and who I am in light of His glory. This year can be summed up by the word Transformation.
As most of you know, I just got back from Israel, and it truly was one of the most amazing times of my entire life. These past 6 months have been challenging, but I have found more truth than I ever though I would be able to.
The Lord is alive and moving today. I know we here that, but the reality of that has so struck my heart. Maybe because I have had a different perspective since I have traveled around quite a bit, but the urgency of preparing the way of the Lord and ushering His presence needs to strike our hearts and the hearts of the nations.
He is coming back, whether we like it or not.
We need to awake as His bride and look into His beautiful face with hope that He is our saving grace. In the light of His glory, the fear will melt away. His eyes pierce the darkness away and brings peace that surpasses understanding. When will we realize the beauty of the Lord?

As most of you know, I am now home in Denver, CO for Christmas! It has been quite the busy week preparing for the DTS in January, but my heart is so expectant. I would love to get with all of you if possible. But in case not and in case you don't know what I am doing, I am going back to Kona the 28th and am going to be staffing the DTS this january. I am SO excited for this. As of now, I am still lacking a good $300.00 a month needed for staff fees! If you would like to join me in pouring into these students lives and seeing revival in the nations, please let me know. Anything helps...Especially Prayer! Click here for more detail on what I am doing and how to support me! Thanks so much!

Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 11, 2010


As I sit here in the Frankfurt, Germany airport, I recognize the vast amount of people that seem to just plane hop. Thousands and thousands of people come through this airport everyday with a destination in mind. They come here with some of their belongings, then they hop right onto a giant machine that will carry them across nations. The thing that gets me is how do these people not understand the simple beauty of creation. It seems that they tend to forget the journey they are on, flying across oceans and countries...asleep. They trust in big machines, but how can they not be confronted with truth and trust in a higher power?
Lord, would you open their eyes. Let them be challenged by your truth so much so that they would have to seek and find you, Jesus.
Ten hours ago, I was in Jerusalem, Israel. Now, I am in Frankfurt, on my way to Colorado, then Kona. The Lord is so faithful. I say it over and over, but He undoubtedly knows what He is doing. This season, the Lord has so divinely set me up with some of the most amazing people, and in the midst of that, the Lord has so divinely placed us all in the same place to be challenged by each other and to grow closer to the Lord's heart together. It was so hard to say goodbye, but the Lord doesn't do things for no reason. He is Divinity. These relationships are lifelong. Everything He has done in my spirit and to those around me was significant and divine.
Although it is hard to move on to the next big step, the Lord is always worthy, and I trust Him more than I would the machines that get me there.

For those of you who aren't sure what I am up to next, you can click the "Future Plans" tab above to see what the next big step is. I am still in need of some financial support. So thank you guys so much for your prayers. If you do end up feeling led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can find out how by clicking that same tab above.

Thanks again!


Sunday, December 5, 2010


"See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains." -Matthew 24:4-8

These past couple days, our team was in Haifa, staying up on Mt. Carmel where Elijah once called down fire on the prophets of Baal. As soon as we arrived on thursday, we noticed a thick cloud of smoke hovering over the city. In the midst of it all, we recognize the beauty of the sun protruding through the thick clouds, creating a beautiful site to look at. We then found out that the fire was right up on Mt. Carmel where we were staying. As we went up, we get settled in and headed back down to get some dinner in two separate cars, five of us in each. There were ambulances and chaos all throughout the mountain. We saw some sparks and remnants of the fire on the side of the mountain. But it looked like it was being tamed.
We finally got down to the city, got some dinner. As we were leaving, my car waited for the other car...and nothing. They weren't anywhere. We drove around the parking garage a few times, and still found no trace of them.
"Well, let's just drive up to our place, they will be there too."
Too bad the roads were closed because the fire has now gone out of control, killing 40 people. We saw the side of the mountain, but this time, the flames were out of control, spreading even higher up and deeper down the mountain. The team found a way to write a facebook message to us, we just needed to find Wi-Fi here and there.
"Great, we lost our team with no communication in the midst of Israel's worst fire yet...what are we going to do?"
Well, after 7 hours of driving around aimlessly, rummaging through people's backyards thinking they were guest houses, and searching hotel after hotel, we finally found our team at 3am at a guest house in Haifa. Praise the Lord
Reading Matthew, it is crazy to think that this fire here in Israel, His chosen nation, was necessary, yet it is not the end of the age. These are just the beginning of the birth pains. What is to come? Personally, I think that this generation is going to see some of the most terrifyingly brilliant things that no one has seen yet. Aslan is on the move, and we better be ready to embrace His refining fire that will cause us to depend on Him, no matter what the circumstance is.

If some of you are wondering, my whole ticket situation is worked out. I found a ticket back to Kona on the 12th for staff training. Praise the Lord. But now, I just need a few hundred dollars to be able to pay for the ticket! Thanks for all your prayers and support thus far! If you do feel led to help support me and get me on my way to Kona to staff the DTS, that would be incredible. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above!
One more week here in Israel!
Thanks everyone who made it possible.
It has been more than I could ask for!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Heavens

I am thankful to be in Israel. It truly is an incredibly beautiful place. I sometimes don't understand why the Lord called me here. In my weakness and in my incapability, He still called me into His land...where His chosen people are. It still is so surreal to be here, even though I have seen things that I have read in the bible. It seems to only make sense that the bible has become more alive and real in my heart and mind, yet I still feel this surreality in the midst of all that I am seeing.
But in the midst of seeing where Jesus walked, to see where He will return, and to see where He could have possibly been buried, I still want more of the reality of where I am and what I really am seeing. Yet, that is the amazing thing. The thing is, Jesus is the very one that lives inside of isn't a historical/biblical site that will gain the heart of the Lord, it is constantly growing deeper into and understanding of who He is and who I am in light of His glory; in light of the Royal Priesthood given to me by Him. Israel will only continue to help me understand the Lord and His heart for His people, but it won't end up giving me His heart. Does that make sense?
Either way, it is quite the journey being out here in the Holy Land still. It really is one of the most amazing places I have been. It has been a week of understanding the land and the Jewish and Muslim people here in the land. Jesus is so faithful.

Oh, that He would gain the hearts of His chosen ones.
Lord, let today be the day that you open their eyes!
I have around 2 or 3 weeks left. Please continue to pray for us. I so appreciate all the prayers and support thus far. For those who are wondering, I am still having slight difficulty with my ticket back please continue to pray. I know the Lord has it all in His hand. I trust Him! For that I am thankful....
Happy Thanksgiving from Israel.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Hear, O' Israel

"So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous." -Romans 11:11

What a humbling thing to know that the Jewish People are the Lord's chosen ones; that the hardening of their hearts was so that we (Gentiles) could be grafted in to understand and be saved by the Lord's love all to make the Israelites jealous.

Oh Lord, Your mercy is amazing.

Our team has arrived in Israel safely and it has been such a humbling experience so far. We are now in Jerusalem and had the opportunity to go to the Old City Jerusalem to see the wailing wall. I watched as hundreds of Jews kissed the wall, placing their hands along the worn down smooth stone, and begin to cry out to the Lord. They all were moved by the Lord, believing their prayers were being heard. I watched, feeling so confused as to what was going on. The presence of the Lord was so thick, but did anyone even know that His presence was truly resting among them? How can the Jewish People be so devout to the Lord God, but not understand Jesus as their savior? They are so much more devoted than some of us will ever be, yet, they do not experience the fullness. It broke my heart.
I began to ask the Lord what I could even do to affect His people. "Lord, what can I do? How do I touch your chosen ones?"
I felt like the Lord said, "Oh, that you would love them..."
They really will know us by our love. It is the only thing we can show them love and mercy just as Jesus has shown us His love and mercy by grafting us in. We can only love His chosen ones so that they may know Jesus. their eyes that they may see!

Thank you guys for your prayers. The Lord has been so good and faithful to us. If you could though, please be praying. I have been having some difficulties come up with plane tickets back home. I still need around $200+ or so to switch my ticket, but there are no tickets available at the moment! So please be praying the Lord makes a way where there is none! And if you feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above to find out how!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Departure, part III

It has been a long anticipation, but the time is finally here. Our team has traveled the east coast, ministering to churches and worshipping the Lord, and it has been truly an incredibly challenging, amazing, and humbling time. The Lord has been so faithful to us, providing in crazy ways and teaching us more of His heart. In that process, our foundations have been shaken and we have had no other hope but to set our eyes upon Jesus, and in that process, grow closer together as a family. But the thing is, when we ask the Lord to give us His heart, He will do it because He is faithful, and that never always looks the way we think it will.
Our time here in Nashville has been a time to understand more of the heart of the Lord, specifically for His chosen people - for Israel. The Lord loves us so much, that we would enter in as adopted sons and daughters to His family. His firstborn are the Jewish People. Jesus loved them, but in order for them to know the glory of the Jesus Christ, He invited us in to make the Jewish People jealous of the relationship between us and the Lord. Oh, that we would know how real the Lord's heart is for us and for His people!

Hear O' Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One!
I am heading out to Israel tomorrow, the 18th, and am freaking out - just a little bit. I can't believe the time is finally here. Jesus has so prepared my heart and I can't even imagine what the Lord is going to do in each of our spirits! Jesus, thank you for calling me to Israel for such a time as this! You are worthy. Lord, that I would be able to obtain Your heart for Your people. Thank You for Your love...I am ready!
If some of you are wondering, my outreach is finally paid for! Praise Jesus! But I am still needing a couple hundred to get a ticket back home. Thank you all for your prayers and support! It means so much to me. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be awesome. Click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above to find out how!

Ready, set...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Loaves of Bread

Matthew 4:1-11 explains the story of the temptation of Jesus Christ. As I have been on outreach, the Lord has been revealing so much of His character in these verses. Verses 8-10 say,
"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, 'All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.' Then Jesus said to him, 'Be gone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.'"
The thing that amazes me is the Jesus Christ was a man, in His flesh, when satan took him into the wilderness and tempted Him. I have read this passage so many times, never really understanding how Jesus was truly tempted because He is, well, Jesus Christ. But as a man, satan took Him and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in ALL their GLORY! All Jesus had was the promise of His Father that His inheritance is the kingdom of heaven and that it would be given to Him when He would die upon the cross. Satan basically said to Jesus that the same promise from His Father would be given to Him instantaneously if He would just bow before Satan. But Jesus knew of the promise of His Father, and held on to it.
Who is this man that came to earth and died upon His cross? Who gave up the kingdoms and their glory in an instant just to fulfill the promise of His Father? Oh Lord, you are so faithful!

I have been getting wrecked by that revelation quite a bit recently, and wanted to share a few of my thoughts on that. But now on to the practical side, I am in Washington DC at the moment, and it has been crazy. My birthday was on November 3rd, and on the 2nd, we held a Life Siege outside of the Supreme Courthouse all day to contend for pro-life senates on the day of election. I was out there from 9:00-10:30 in the morning and then again at 10:30-12:00 midnight. I ended my 19th year of life outside of the courthouse contending for the ending of abortion. It was such a ridiculously awesome experience!
We are here for a few more days and we believe the Lord is really placing inside each of our hearts His heart for intercession. We want His heart and nothing else!

Please continue to pray for our team and the unity in general. Also, a lot of us still need financial breakthrough. We leave for Israel in a week and a half! I am SO excited! Please continue to pray that each of us will receive the money to be able to make this possible! Thank you guys so much for you prayers! If you do feel led to help support me, click the "East Coast/Israel" link above on how to do so. I still need around $800.00 and that is it!
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support thus far!
God bless.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Journey Across the Sun

I am sitting here inside a small computer lab trying to receive enough internet reception to be able to write and post this blog. As I am sitting here, I am blown away just thinking about the world and where we are at in this generation. Technology is absolutely incredible, but I thought we would at least have hover cars like the movies said we would. Still, everything seems to be at the palm of our hands. But the thing that boggles my mind is that in the end, everything that people have invested so much time in and have hyped up so much will be gone.
Everything is meaningless under the sun.
I am not saying that owning the latest technology or being fascinated with the such is a bad thing, but as soon as we place those things as a higher priority than seeking in the word for the pursuit of our first Love, we have lost the any motivation for the purpose of life. I am learning more and more everyday the challenges, the beauty, and the joy that is involved in the secret place with Jesus, away from all distractions, just gazing into His beauty. Nothing else will satisfy quite like He does.
We need to get over the sun.
I am currently in Harrisburg, heading out in the next couple days to Ohio! We have had amazing time out here partnering with the Fire and Fragrance YWAM base out here. We have had the opportunity to minister to them, and it has been so much fun just being around family. We only have a few weeks until we head out to Israel, which is so crazy. I personally still need some breakthrough with finances to be able to make the whole thing possible. As of right now, I need around $1,100 for the rest of my finances. Thanks so much for all your prayers so far. Seriously, it has blessed me immensely. And if you would, continue to partner with me in prayer. That would bless me more than you will know. But if you do feel led to help support me, click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above for details on how to do that!


Saturday, October 16, 2010



The ground beneath,
The birthing place of many things,
Joins the sky
To create wide and high.

From a chivalrous green
Transformed to be much more than one thought it could be.
As it longs,
It plays the Maker’s songs.

Many remark
Of the Maker’s specific marks;
Deep groves,
Acres of Hope.

Arms raised high
Waving from side to side.
Imitating perfectly
A worship that glorifies it’s one and only true King.

Dust of the ground
Created with our very own sound.
From a breath
We imitate from life to death,

A worship that glorifies our one and only true King.
We imitate perfectly;
Waving from side to side
Our arms high.

Acres of hope,
Deep groves.
To our Maker’s specific marks
Many remark.

We play our Maker’s songs
As we long
To be transformed more than we thought we could be;
To a holy being.

Wanting to create wide and high
Glory filled skies
For the one who loves everyone.
The Lord above.

I have found that out that more and more the Lord never will dissatisfy our souls. If you feel dissatisfied, that is not the Lord. No matter the high or low that we experience, the Lord is always faithful to His word, and in the end, as long as we keep our eyes upon Him and His will, our souls will never be dissatisfied.
I want to be one that is dissatisfied with contentment. I want my soul to experience the satisfaction of the Lord, and then to always be hungry for more of Him. Jesus is forever faithful, never fleeting. This thought has just been on my mind for a bit, and I wanted to write it out.
I am currently in Philadelphia now, heading out tomorrow to Harrisburg, PA. Our time here has been short, but sweet. The Lord has been so faithful to our team. We have seen healings take place, we have seen broken hearts mended, and we have witnessed the love of the Lord over our team in such exciting ways. We are excited for what is next! As of right now, I only need around $1,000 for outreach! God has been so faithful and I am blown away by His provision so far. But if you would, please continue to pray!
Prayer Requests:
-Team Unity.
-The Lord's will to undoubtedly go forth.
If you feel at all led to help support me, please click on the "East Coast/Israel" link above for information on how to do that! That would be such a tremendous blessing! Thanks so much for all your prayers and support thus far! I so appreciate it!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gnaw Ledge

"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly,
'I never knew you...'" -Matthew 7:22-23

As I was walking down the streets of Boston, I found myself pondering upon the purpose of ministry and the purpose of our outreach. It was normal for me to want to see fruit, to see people healed and restored, to see salvations, and to see signs and wonders. I longed to see the fruit of our ministry. But the Lord during this time has been stirring in my heart a pure longing to know Him more...and that was it: we are to fall more and more in love with the Lord in the pursuit of the knowledge of Him.
Out of the place of seeking after the knowledge of the Lord, signs and wonders will begin to go forth, but it is only because we long to see the glory of the Lord go forth as well, not because our own benefits. It is so easy for us to seek the spiritual gifts and to seek signs and wonders, but we need to understand that if we do not know who the Lord is, all we our doing is seeking after our own glory, not the Lord's. Signs and wonders are obviously things we should want to see, but it should come out of the overflowing of the heart from the knowledge of who the Lord truly is.
The Lord is so faithful and loving. He desires to be alone with us and for His glory to go forth into the earth. Oh, that the Lamb would receive the reward of His suffering!

I am currently in New Jersey, and I am so stoked for what the Lord is going to do here. We are partnering with a house of prayer down here called The Resting Place. It is going to be an awesome time of raw worship and pursuit of and even more intimate relationship with the Lord. We are expectant as a team for the Lord's sovereignty to go among us. Thank you guys for all your prayer and support his far. I am currently in need of a lot of money for the Israel portion of my outreach. If you want to learn more about that and how to donate, click the "East Coast/Israel" tab up top!
Thanks guys!


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Flying is amazing. I look out the windows of a plane as we fly high in the sky across the ocean, and I am truly blown away by the fact that we can travel hours and hours across oceans and land, and then end up somewhere completely different. It's like, after just a few short months of preparation and perseverance, I finally was able to board a plane and travel 10 hours or so across the United States...That is pretty crazy.

It is also like times of trial in our walk with the Lord. With perseverance and motivation through the times that seem to weigh us down -knowing the Lord is always faithful- when all is said and done, we end up at a completely new level than where we thought we could be. The Lord is so much committed to our highest than we are, and we get upset with the few small sufferings that come our way that unknowingly push us far beyond our expectations and dreams of where we thought we could be. It is amazing. We raise enough faith miles to finally get on the plane of personal growth and land far beyond where we realize in the land of revelation and wisdom.

I am in Boston now, praising the Lord that I am officially here and ready to go with my team! We are staying at the JHOP (Justice House of Prayer) here and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in this beautiful city.
If some of you are wondering about my finance situation, I still am needing to raise $2,900 while on this trip. There were a few exceptions being as no one on my team was able to raise all the money right away. The exception is that we have to have enough money for our next location, meaning we can be raising on the road. So if you guys could still continue to pray and contend for the provision to come in so my team and I can continue to go on this amazing journey, that would be awesome. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab at the top, and all the info will be there!

Thanks guys!
I couldn't be here without you!
God bless.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


"The mysteries of God are hidden from us so we have to find them...the greatest part of love is the pursuit"
-Jake Hamilton

As believers, we tend to make our walk with the Lord way more complicated than it really needs to be. The main purpose in life is to pursue the knowledge of our God. We to seek Him and never lose the sight of our first love.

It is a pursuit.

What fun would it be to find all the hidden mysteries of Jesus at once? What more would there be to look forward to? Heaven is going to be constant revelation and understanding of who the Lord is forever. We will never get sick of finding the treasures of heaven and the Kingdom of God. To be submerged constantly in the knowledge of who the Lord is; to see His radiant beauty everyday and to never get sick of it; to learn more of our very creator, Father, and Savior. For me, I will not give up the pursuit.

In the meantime, I am almost on my way to the East Coast and to Israel! The Lord has been so faithful. I cannot even believe that this past quarter has gone by so fast. But on wednesday, I am heading out with my team. There is still much need for finances, but the Lord has never not been faithful! I personally still need $3,500 by wednesday, fully trusting the Lord to bring it all in, because it is His will and His bill. Thank you guys so much for praying and for supporting me on this amazing journey. If you guys would continue to pray, that would be amazing. And if you guys feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. If so, click "East Coast/Israel" above for all the details!

Thanks again!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lo St.

To come from being lost from love to being lost in love
Is a battle won by the one who is Love.
We tend to look at the world through our own filter of judgement
When Judgement comes from the the eyes of Adoration.
To be grateful in the midst of suffering,
That is what will nurture our perspective of the way we love.

Suffering for Jesus burgeons a likeness within our own spirit.
We relate,
We communicate
With the One who gave himself up as nothing.
I am pretty sure He knows what He is doing,
Who are we to transform complication into comfort?

One more week until my team and I head out for the East Coast and then to Israel! Our team still needs quite a bit of financial support. I personally need $3,500 by September 22d! If you guys want to know more about what my team and I are doing, click on the "East Coast/Israel" link above. There, it has detailed descriptions about what I am doing and ways of supporting me! Thank you all for who have prayed and supported me! Please continue to pray, and if you feel led to help support me, just click on that link! Thanks so much!


"What will we do with all the old made new? What will we do with all the dead made young? What will we do with all the false made true? What will we do? What will be done? There's a spirit fire growing inside me. Burn me down, burn me down. There's a holy fire growing inside me. Burn me down, burn me down."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Amo L'amore

There is nothing quite like being gripped by true love. And by true love, I mean love beyond words; love that goes beyond the typical, dulled-down version of the simple "I love you" that most of us here and don't fully understand the weight of. I am talking about love that goes beyond all understanding and comprehension. It is crazy to grasp that there is a love like the one I am explaining.

There is a love that tears away all fears; it shatters all expectancy of who we are and who we think we should be. It shines the light on insecurities, then reveals who we really are. There is a love that can replace all heartache and pain; that can supernaturally erase all hurt. I may sound like a melodramatic record, but I have just found myself so humbled by the fact that I am loved by my Maker beyond what words can express. This live is all about loving Him more and more. I love, He will do the rest. That is where His faithfulness is most noticeable; that is where His peace is found; that is where His joy is evident. Heidi Baker spoke this week, and the Lord's love and joy is so evident in her life, and during her ministry, she exploded more revelation of the Lord's love on my life.

So yes...I don't mind sounding cliche, but it is hard not too when you become overcome. He has proved to me over and over how good He is. On September 22nd, as all of you know now I am sure, I am heading out with my school to the East Coast and Israel for a total of 3 months. Our team needs $50,000 as a whole, and I need $5,000 personally. But it is amazing, because the Lord's love has erased all worry and stress. I know it will come in, just not sure how.

If you guys would, please continue to pray. I so believe that pray changes things. If you feel like the Lord is putting on your heart to help support me financially, I would be SO blessed and you would be an answer to my prayers! You can click the "East Coast/Israel (Help Donate)" button on top and read all the info on how to give! You guys are awesome!
Much Love!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Journey

The journey is far more significant than we think. It is apprehensible to desire the destination, but that only makes the journey lofty and wearisome...and what fun is that?
The Lord is faithful [trust to one's word, promises, or vows; steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant]. When the Lord says He will do something, He is faithful to do it. The scriptures say that we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13), meaning we are sealed with the Lord inside of us that we may perform signs and wonders and that we may be a light into the darkness.

Aside from mere talk, this has become apart of my life unerringly. This past week, my team and I were dropped off on the other side of the island (Hilo) with no personal money, no cell phones, no music...just the company of each other, a place to stay, and a list of ridiculous tasks to complete each day. It was called a Faith Journey. We were to rely on each other, but most importantly the Lord for these tasks to come to completion. These tasks were unheard of and had to have the help of the Holy Spirit. Stuff like healings, both physical and emotional, getting on a radio station, street preaching, etc.

We saw the Lord break out in radical ways. Personally, there was more understanding of the Lord's faithfulness and an igniting of boldness in my life, and yet, I feel like I will never fully grasp how faithful He truly is!

But I guess that is part of the journey.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have most likely over done my use of explaining what is happening to me this September. But here we are again! As most of you may know, on September 22nd, I am heading out with a team of 10 to the East Coast of America. We will be hitting up, in no particular order, Tennessee, New Jersey, Washington D.C., New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. We'll be traveling throughout there for 2 months. From there, we will be heading up to Israel for a month.
I feel like I truly have not been able to just explain my heart and passion for this outreach. God has truly been speaking to me about revival in America, a nation I never really considered to do missions work in. Our team's sole purpose is to bring the love of Jesus and the power of His gospel and glory to the churches in the East Coast; to bring revival in the body of Christ, raising up believers to be followers of Jesus and to dedicate their lives for no other purpose but to see His glory made known. Churches have been slowly killed with the typical, dulled down version of the "encouraging" Gospel of Jesus. Our team has a desire to see these churches and believers walk into the fullness of what Jesus has for them, and we believe this will happen. America will be considered whole heartedly "One Nation Under God" once again soon.
I am also more than ecstatic about the reality of going to Israel, where Jesus had once walked and taught. I fully believe that Jesus wants to redeem His chosen ones; He wants "religion" to be broken off of His people in Israel so that they would know that it is all about relationship. I have the honor to go and to truly minister and also pray against the spiritual strongholds that are upon that nation. This is all for the glory of God to come and redeem His people once again!
With this said, I cannot go without your help. Not only financially, but most importantly through prayer. "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ" -1 Corinthians 12:12-14
We are all one body. Through your pray and partitioning, you can help me in fulfilling this vision of the Lord's in America and Israel. By this friday, I need $3,100 for this trip to be possible for me. But more importantly than that, I need your prayers! Please, partner with me in seeing the Lord's heart spread to His people through His body. If you feel led to give at all, you can contact me at My number is also 7204707906. Also, if you have PayPal, you can donate by clicking on the "Donate" button below!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. I seriously could not do this without you and this trip will not be possibly without you! Thanks again!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Wedding Dress

I stood there, silently, yet rupturing with excitement as I stared at my brother and his fiance becoming husband and wife. Her eyes seemed to have been watered down with love as she stared back into the fullness of the love in his eyes. The lighting was just right; it struck the water and glistened back upon the silk of the wedding dress and the dressy vest. As the vows were read aloud and the commitments were made, I was struck with such revelation of the bride of Christ as I witnessed two becoming one.
Jesus is forever faithful. The engagement is the journey of learning more of Christ Himself; to fall more in love with Him; to be struck with the revelation of how much He loves us. The wedding is His return. Not a presentation, but a glorious uniting. Jesus is forever faithful...and He is coming for His bride out of His immeasurable love.

Weddings are beautiful, Colorado is beautiful, and my family is beautiful. This past week, I had the awesome opportunity of coming home for this short week to be the Best Man in my brother David's wedding. It has been an awesome time understanding the freedom and love of the Lord over my life. Jesus is forever faithful. I am blessed, and I feel like I will never truly understand how blessed I am. Jesus is coming, and I am blessed to know that I am His and He is mine.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

High Noise, Low Output

"Healthy things grow, growing things change, changing things challenge us, challenge forces us to trust God, trust leads to obedience, obedience makes us healthy, healthy things grow, growing things change..." -Ray Hughes

Everyone has their own song. Not just a "favorite song"; but there is a sound that God has placed individually in each of us to carry out His heart. That is so easy to know, but so hard to fully grasp. I learned about sympathetic frequencies this week in class. Apparently, sympathetic frequencies are when you yell (or sing) into a guitar, and the strings respond to the sound of your frequency. You don't even have to strum, it just responds to the tone of your voice. If we are instruments of God, we will respond to the authority of His voice. And since God made the whole world, when He speaks, the whole work will shake.
Lord, let me hear the sound inside of me!

It is hard to grasp the idea that the purpose of the Lord for our lives is so much more than what we can understand, and it is so much more real than we can fully know. I don't mean that the Lord just has an staggering destiny for us...which He does. But I am saying that even in the beginning of creation, we were made with a sound. Our bodies are made of light when God spoke it forth, therefore the voice of God is inside of us. Everything we know makes up the sound the Lord has places in us, and we are to release the sound for the release of His heart in our individual lives.
The Lord is releasing in this desperate generation the sound of His heart, the fullness of what He wants accomplished here on earth before the return of the King. Discover your sound - there is one!

This friday, August 6th, I need around $5,500 for my school fees. Lecture phase is $3,000, and the outreach deposit is $2,500. I totally believe the Lord to supply everything I need. He is my provider. But please continue to pray with me and if you feel led to help support me, you can contact me at My number is 720-470-7906. If you have PayPal, just click the "Help Donate" button at top. That particular tab also explains more about my outreach. Thank you guys for everything!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Israel is Real

"His glory is so vast and His Son is so beautiful that perpetual worship is not just accepted, it is absolutely necessary." -Aaron Walsh

It may be weird to hear sometimes, but the Lord's goal is not our happiness, it is His glory. We exist for Him, He doesn't exist for us. Hmm...that sure shifts a lot of perspective. God's glory is what He is all about. He seeks His glory in all the nations and spheres; He seeks His glory in our own personal lives. Why? Because He is that worthy of it and He deserves the reward for His suffering, and that is His glory to be widespread among the world.
Our school's outreach teams were announced as of yesterday. The choices were:
1. West Coast/Midwest America (Christian Universities)
2. East Coast America/Israel
3. China/Thailand
4. Japan
5. Haiti

Long story short, I prayed and felt the Lord say to go to East Coast/Israel. And that is precisely where I am going. I don't think I have ever been so excited to go anywhere in my life. I am ready for this. That America would revive and see the fire of the Lord's glory, then that the fire would burn on through to Israel and capture their hearts for the Lord's again. To go where Jesus, that is powerful.
Please continue to pray. I know this is where I am supposed to go. I need another $3,000 for lecture phase, then probably around an additional $4-6,000 for outreach to US/Israel. I appreciate your prayers. And if you feel at all led to support me, you can contact me at If you have a paypal account, you can click the "Help Donate" tab at the top. I appreciate it immensely!

Hear O Israel...the Lord is One. (Deut. 6:4)


Saturday, July 17, 2010

In the Books

I was thinking the other day of how crazy it would be to be in a history book. In order for that to happen, I would need to do something historical. It seems to only make sense. The people mentioned in history books, whether for good reasons or bad, are undoubtedly mentioned for reasons to put the puzzle of history together and help us, at this present day, to understand our surroundings/our world, even more.
This week was the first week of lecture for my new school, The School of Revival and Reformation, and it was far beyond what I can convey. This past thursday, the 15th of July, a man by the name Lou Engle came to bring a word from the Lord placed on his heart to our YWAM community. Little did the whole campus know (or probably even Lou Engle) that Lou was going to make something historical take place, which would lead to an historical outbreak in the body of Christ.

The prayer and the missions move are now close enough to each other that they are kissing, and the heart of God is ready to be exploded even more so in the nations.
It is not so much a call as it is the heart of our Father. With prayer, missions is a possibility. Without fulfilling the great commission through prayer and missions, which are both tremendously essential as a unit, the heart of the Lord will cease to be made known throughout the nations. Engle spoke and declared this word so the outbreak of the Christian community could happen...and these are not just mere words, this is a move of the heart of our Lord.
Revival is reality. The Lord desires for the prayer and missions warriors to rise, sell their possessions, and follow Him. With this, the Kingdom of God is at hand and more near than we realize. It could be just me, but that sounds pretty historical. If you want to know more about what this could mean, feel free to message me.
As most of you know, my school just started this last week and I am still in need of your prayers. By August 5th, I need another $3,000 to be able to stay for me lecture phase, then possibly another $4,000-6,000 to be able to go on outreach to the nations (which will be known real soon). Please let me know if you feel led to help support me. You can contact me at, or my number is 720-470-7906. You guys rock!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disciplined Disciple

Discipline [dis-uh-plin]: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

Disciple [dih-sahy-puhl]: Noun- a person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower.
Verb- to teach; train.

Both of these words carry no end...and by that, I mean you can never master one. You can never be 100% disciplined on one particular skill or activity. It is a learning process your whole life. To be disciplined is to learn discipline, and learning discipline is a gift and journey that God gives you. Now, you can be disciplined in a particular area of your life, but there will always be room for growth. A synonym to "discipline" is "development". Developing a disciplined life in all you do is a journey. I say this because it is a gift and journey to go on with the Lord. Don't get down on the fact that you may never be 100% disciplined in one area...think of it as a continual gift from the Lord.
Being a disciple of the Lord is also being a Follower of the Lord. Notice that even in the definition and synonym of Disciple, it never says, "Follower of the Lord until a certain point" or something along those lines. Being a Disciple of Jesus is being a forever follower of Jesus. Also recognize the fact that it doesn't just say, "Believer" of the Lord, it says "Follower" of the Lord. We can only go so far saying we believe in the Lord, but choose not to follow Him...personally, I am convinced that if you say you believe in Jesus, but you don't follow Him, you are letting the lies of the enemy hold you back from stepping into your destiny. We are to follow Jesus, even when the path looks rough...or even when it looks beautiful.

I think it is journey to become a disciplined disciple. Sure...the destination is what we should long for, but God wants us to enjoy the journey. As soon as we only focus on the destination, we miss the beauty of walking with the Lord in our journey. Enjoy the journey.