Discipline [dis-uh-plin]: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.
Disciple [dih-sahy-puhl]: Noun- a person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower.
Verb- to teach; train.
Both of these words carry no end...and by that, I mean you can never master one. You can never be 100% disciplined on one particular skill or activity. It is a learning process your whole life. To be disciplined is to learn discipline, and learning discipline is a gift and journey that God gives you. Now, you can be disciplined in a particular area of your life, but there will always be room for growth. A synonym to "discipline" is "development". Developing a disciplined life in all you do is a journey. I say this because it is a gift and journey to go on with the Lord. Don't get down on the fact that you may never be 100% disciplined in one area...think of it as a continual gift from the Lord.
Being a disciple of the Lord is also being a Follower of the Lord. Notice that even in the definition and synonym of Disciple, it never says, "Follower of the Lord until a certain point" or something along those lines. Being a Disciple of Jesus is being a forever follower of Jesus. Also recognize the fact that it doesn't just say, "Believer" of the Lord, it says "Follower" of the Lord. We can only go so far saying we believe in the Lord, but choose not to follow Him...personally, I am convinced that if you say you believe in Jesus, but you don't follow Him, you are letting the lies of the enemy hold you back from stepping into your destiny. We are to follow Jesus, even when the path looks rough...or even when it looks beautiful.
I think it is journey to become a disciplined disciple. Sure...the destination is what we should long for, but God wants us to enjoy the journey. As soon as we only focus on the destination, we miss the beauty of walking with the Lord in our journey. Enjoy the journey.
And a journey it is! I love this blog Daniel!!!