
Monday, February 15, 2010

Awake Oh, Sleeper

The Flood by Daniel York

"A Single yet subtle innocent stream
Being nurtured day by day with downpours.
This will begin to expand at the seams;
This child like water right at its core.

Now beginning to look like lovely threats,
This stream expands in pure community
Tearing down walls and breaking off regret,
Ruining cities into pure beauty.

A flood, built only by hands of grace,
Overflows with a cleansing desire.
A desire to flood through and to chase
After those with a passion and fire.

Nations now ruined by a harsh, pure flood.
A flood that stole hearts away from the earth.
This world now covered with the gift of blood
Because a stream was destined to at birth."

This week, a man named Brian Brennt spoke out on deliverance and freedom. He was one of the most hilarious speakers I have ever heard. Normally, I am not a fan of speakers that make you laugh because I feel that is the only way that they win over their audience rather than expressing something authentic and genuine. But Brian Brennt truly spoke with a genuine heart towards the idea of truly experiencing freedom. On thursday, the 11th, Brian spoke out words that inspired my poem. He began to get so passionate about the idea of truly waking up and to stop living in passivity, for this generation is destined to do absolutely amazing things as long as we would just wake up! We stayed in our classroom for a solid 6 hours straight due to the impact of His speaking. It has been such a fun week. It was sort of difficult to listen to, but very much needed in my life.
On Friday, the 12th, we began to discuss opportunities of things to do after this particular DTS. There are so many options running through my mind, and it is sort of stressful trying to take things into my own hands in trying to figure out what I will actually be doing. But I know that if I just trust the Lord, He will lead me right where I need to be! If you guys could just continue to pray that the Lord will speak and make clear to me the next step after DTS, that would be absolutely radical! A couple of the options are doing Fire and Fragrance Phase 2. This is another 6+ month school that would be what I am learning now, but just more in depth that would start in July. It would be exciting to do this because of the community that is out here and how much I love Phase 1 already. Also, I have considered going home for however long. I was thinking possibly 6 months then maybe coming back to staff or something of that sort. Ireland has still been on my mind, but I feel that isn't going to happen right yet, just in case you guys were wondering. :) Either way, God will bring me wherever He needs me, and it will undoubtedly be exciting!
My hair is getting long by the way, just thought I would let most of you know! I can't wait for it to keep growing. I wish it was growing faster, but oh well! Also, Hawaii is still as nice as before. The sunsets, beaches, and warm weather never seems to get old. We will just have to see the change when I go to Amsterdam for my outreach! :) Thanks guys for your prayers and support! Continue to let me know if you feel like you could help support financially as well! Contact me on facebook or email (
God bless you guys!

-Daniel York


  1. Sweeeeet poem Swiss. Haha. Like I've said before, definitely an area of awesometastic talent for you haha. Thanks for the update! Praying for ya!

  2. i absolutly love your writing. I think that the Lord can use that in your life a lot! I'll be prayig for you, God will lead you. Sounds like your having an amazing time!

  3. Dude. I miss writing poetry and stuff with you. You're brilliant. Hope God's showing you more and more out there! miss you man
