
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Israel is Real

"His glory is so vast and His Son is so beautiful that perpetual worship is not just accepted, it is absolutely necessary." -Aaron Walsh

It may be weird to hear sometimes, but the Lord's goal is not our happiness, it is His glory. We exist for Him, He doesn't exist for us. Hmm...that sure shifts a lot of perspective. God's glory is what He is all about. He seeks His glory in all the nations and spheres; He seeks His glory in our own personal lives. Why? Because He is that worthy of it and He deserves the reward for His suffering, and that is His glory to be widespread among the world.
Our school's outreach teams were announced as of yesterday. The choices were:
1. West Coast/Midwest America (Christian Universities)
2. East Coast America/Israel
3. China/Thailand
4. Japan
5. Haiti

Long story short, I prayed and felt the Lord say to go to East Coast/Israel. And that is precisely where I am going. I don't think I have ever been so excited to go anywhere in my life. I am ready for this. That America would revive and see the fire of the Lord's glory, then that the fire would burn on through to Israel and capture their hearts for the Lord's again. To go where Jesus, that is powerful.
Please continue to pray. I know this is where I am supposed to go. I need another $3,000 for lecture phase, then probably around an additional $4-6,000 for outreach to US/Israel. I appreciate your prayers. And if you feel at all led to support me, you can contact me at If you have a paypal account, you can click the "Help Donate" tab at the top. I appreciate it immensely!

Hear O Israel...the Lord is One. (Deut. 6:4)


Saturday, July 17, 2010

In the Books

I was thinking the other day of how crazy it would be to be in a history book. In order for that to happen, I would need to do something historical. It seems to only make sense. The people mentioned in history books, whether for good reasons or bad, are undoubtedly mentioned for reasons to put the puzzle of history together and help us, at this present day, to understand our surroundings/our world, even more.
This week was the first week of lecture for my new school, The School of Revival and Reformation, and it was far beyond what I can convey. This past thursday, the 15th of July, a man by the name Lou Engle came to bring a word from the Lord placed on his heart to our YWAM community. Little did the whole campus know (or probably even Lou Engle) that Lou was going to make something historical take place, which would lead to an historical outbreak in the body of Christ.

The prayer and the missions move are now close enough to each other that they are kissing, and the heart of God is ready to be exploded even more so in the nations.
It is not so much a call as it is the heart of our Father. With prayer, missions is a possibility. Without fulfilling the great commission through prayer and missions, which are both tremendously essential as a unit, the heart of the Lord will cease to be made known throughout the nations. Engle spoke and declared this word so the outbreak of the Christian community could happen...and these are not just mere words, this is a move of the heart of our Lord.
Revival is reality. The Lord desires for the prayer and missions warriors to rise, sell their possessions, and follow Him. With this, the Kingdom of God is at hand and more near than we realize. It could be just me, but that sounds pretty historical. If you want to know more about what this could mean, feel free to message me.
As most of you know, my school just started this last week and I am still in need of your prayers. By August 5th, I need another $3,000 to be able to stay for me lecture phase, then possibly another $4,000-6,000 to be able to go on outreach to the nations (which will be known real soon). Please let me know if you feel led to help support me. You can contact me at, or my number is 720-470-7906. You guys rock!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disciplined Disciple

Discipline [dis-uh-plin]: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

Disciple [dih-sahy-puhl]: Noun- a person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower.
Verb- to teach; train.

Both of these words carry no end...and by that, I mean you can never master one. You can never be 100% disciplined on one particular skill or activity. It is a learning process your whole life. To be disciplined is to learn discipline, and learning discipline is a gift and journey that God gives you. Now, you can be disciplined in a particular area of your life, but there will always be room for growth. A synonym to "discipline" is "development". Developing a disciplined life in all you do is a journey. I say this because it is a gift and journey to go on with the Lord. Don't get down on the fact that you may never be 100% disciplined in one area...think of it as a continual gift from the Lord.
Being a disciple of the Lord is also being a Follower of the Lord. Notice that even in the definition and synonym of Disciple, it never says, "Follower of the Lord until a certain point" or something along those lines. Being a Disciple of Jesus is being a forever follower of Jesus. Also recognize the fact that it doesn't just say, "Believer" of the Lord, it says "Follower" of the Lord. We can only go so far saying we believe in the Lord, but choose not to follow Him...personally, I am convinced that if you say you believe in Jesus, but you don't follow Him, you are letting the lies of the enemy hold you back from stepping into your destiny. We are to follow Jesus, even when the path looks rough...or even when it looks beautiful.

I think it is journey to become a disciplined disciple. Sure...the destination is what we should long for, but God wants us to enjoy the journey. As soon as we only focus on the destination, we miss the beauty of walking with the Lord in our journey. Enjoy the journey.