I want to live a life removed from boundaries that the world sets up. I want to live radically! The same spirit that was with Jesus on earth lives inside of me! It doesn't have to be a huge equation to understand the power we carry as believers on earth. The Lord is desperate to move on the broken hearted, to heal the sick, to save the lost, and to revive this world. I just want to play my part. My problems are so petty.
I just want to dance on my problems and move on to the greater things that Jesus calls me to be apart of!
If we realized what we carried, no insecurity or worry would hold us back. Jesus, set my heart on fire. Remove the boundaries we have set up over our hearts! Let us live radically for you!
This past week we had a guy named Chad Dedmon speak to our DTS. If you know anything about Chad, you know he walks in a radical calling of miracles and healing. But if you really knew him, you would understand that he us just a regular guy walking out in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit inside of him.
I want that!
The students are getting stirred up and stoked for outreach, which is exactly one month away from today!
Thank you all for your prayers and support for me during this time!
Since we leave in one month from today, we are in need of some more prayer and support! So get your prayer hands ready for the radical list of prayer requests below!
1. We still need housing for our team in Dublin, Ireland! The Lord continues to speak to our team that we need to station ourselves in Dublin, yet we have no housing. But since the Lord has spoken it, we know He will provide! So please be praying that the doors open up wide!
2. Pray that we are filled with strength and heaven's perspective for this outreach! It is going to be a wild 3 months, but all of us are so expectant and ready for what the Lord has! Pray that we are able to change the spiritual atmosphere rather than the other way around!
3. Finances! I am needing to raise $7,000 for this outreach. I am needing this money to come in as soon as possible! So please be praying the Lord releases it in Jesus' name!
If you have prayed and feel led to support us monthly or with a one time donation, that would be a TREMENDOUS blessing! You can do so by clicking the PayPal link below. If that link doesn't work, just send a PayPal donation online to my email at the.daniel.york@gmail.com. I promise you will reap the fruit of this incredible outreach to Ireland!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!
Thanks again for all of your prayers! We feel them!
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