
Monday, July 29, 2013

Spilling Over

It was a cloudy day, the first in a long while, so we suited up and hit the streets of Bray, Ireland. The carnival was in town, and the weather didn't seem to keep anyone away. It was crowded with families, dogs, kids, and a few lonely stragglers. My team and I walked along the sea wall, praying and looking for whoever the Lord had on His heart for us to pray for. I felt this burning in my gut, pushing me in the sense of talking to this man sitting alone. He was there for at least an hour just watching the carnival, not a smile was on his face. I knew I had to talk to him, but what would I say?

I slowly made my way by myself, sat next to him on the wall in front of the carnival in the midst of a frigid breeze and mumbled, "How often does this carnival come around?" He sat there and shook his head in uncertainty. I then went on to ask his name. He said his name was Marian, and he lightly chuckled, saying that his name was a girl's name. I laughed. He went on to tell me his occupation. He was a home designer and a home builder. He then began to show me pictures of his house. He mentioned that every part of his house was built with his own hands. As we looked at his phone, he began to show me pictures of all his kids and his wife. I probably said a total of 3 words as he began to tell me why his family lives in Poland and he lives in Ireland. It was amazing.

I went on to ask if he felt lonely. He said yes. I proceeded to tell him about Jesus and how He is the comforter; that Jesus desires to be with him. Marian was moved. I began to say that this life of relationship with Jesus is possible for him. We began to pray. He confessed his sins and proclaimed that he desired a relationship with Jesus. He went from being the sullen man on the wall to praying excitingly, letting the emotion of his heart spill over. He gave his life to the Lord that day. Marian thanked me over and over before he went to work.

Ireland has been absolutely incredible. This was just one of many stories of the Lord moving on people out here. We have seen salvations, healings, and especially freedom amongst believers! It has been absolutely astounding. Jesus is so worthy in this nation. We have been doing homeless ministry in different parts of Ireland every week with Tiglin (Teen Challenge) out here. Jesus is saving His children out of the pits of hell and giving them freedom!

I know this is a short update, but thank you all for your prayers and support! I am definitely humbled that I get to be apart of this amazing journey, and a big part of my thanks goes to you guys for helping me get out here!

We still have just over a month left. Please continue to pray that all the seeds that have been planted grow and that we have more divine encounters.

If you pray and feel led to still help mean my journey out here and beyond Ireland, please message me at Or you can simply donate through PayPal to my email.

Thanks again!


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