I find it funny how hard it is to find rest; to let go of everything to just rest in the Lord's presence. I get so caught up in my schedule and responsibilities that I tend to run into those more than I run into God's presence. I guess part of it is that I feel that I am being irresponsible if I don't perform just hard enough to make sure everything gets done. Finding rest in the Lord just seems to take away from what I need to do. But that is exactly it...as soon as we begin to run into ideas and other distractions, we miss the point of trust in our relationship with God.
To rest is a discipline.
In Hebrews 4, the Lord makes mention of a guaranteed rest for us to enter when we submit ourselves to Him. It doesn't always necessarily look like sleeping or sitting down in a room doing nothing...the rest He speaks of is a posture of our spirits towards His. It IS possible that we can work through our schedules and our day to day responsibilities and still enter the Lord's rest. We just need to posture ourselves to run into His presence rather than away from it. If we can discipline our minds to do this, we will be able to obtain the peace that surpasses all understanding, meaning that if we try to understand it, we will fail.
On March 27th, I head out to Iceland with my team! I have so much anticipation for what the Lord is going to do! If you guys could continue to pray that every small detail would fall into place, that would be amazing. By March 3rd, I need a total of about $1,500 for my outreach to be able to go! If you could, please pray first and foremost! And if you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can click the "information" tab to find out how you can donate. If you want to know more about what we are doing in Iceland, you can click the "Iceland" tab above as well.
If you have any questions or comments, you can email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com.
Thanks again!
So good! I'm learning about resting right now. Hearts at rest move mountains and seas. Thank you for writing Daniel. I like to read your blog.