The Holy Spirit lives inside of us; the very one that we worship, the very one who's presence we cry out for, the one who we are longing to see lives inside of us. In John, chapter 14, Jesus mentions how He is going to leave the disciples, but He also mentions how He is going to leave us with the Holy Spirit, which is the very spirit that guided Jesus while He was on earth as a man.
We are a royal priesthood.
We sometimes, as believers, get so caught up in praying the right prayer and doing the right things to see the Lord move, when in all actuality, He is with us always.
"And surely I am with you, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20.
Steve Thompson of Morning Star Ministries came and spoke to our school this past week. He spoke on the royal priesthood that we are and that we carry Jesus inside of us. Jesus even said that it is better that He goes, so that we could get the Holy Spirit.
We sometimes think it would have been so much better and easier if Jesus were hanging out with us in physical form again like in the bible. But Jesus even says that it is better that He leaves so that He could not only be with us, like in the bible, but that He could live inside of us!
Lord, let me never underestimate who you are inside of me!
If you are all wondering...the Iceland team is doing amazing and we are getting ready to head out here in a little over a month! It is so surreal to me, but I am so excited! I am not sure how much it will be yet, but I am most definitely in need of some financial support still. The Lord has been faithful, so thank you all for praying and supporting me! Please do continue to pray, especially that every fine detail of the outreach will work out! We are looking for some transportation now, so please pray things open up. And if you do feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing! Just click the "information" tab above to find out how to donate. You can also click the "Iceland" tab to find out more of what we will be doing in Iceland!
You guys rock...thanks again.
Daniel, this is so great. I agree. It get frustrating thinking about the fact that we don't always see God physically, but It's better now and will be for us who
ReplyDeleteBelieve and have not seen. Awesome! And can't wait til you go to Iceland