I want my soul to be set ablaze. I want the fire in my heart to grow even brighter. Lord, let me burn for You.
I have been struck this week with how much Jesus truly does deserve to receive the reward of His suffering. I think the truth of the gospel has been hindered in this generation. I think we have been dulling the power of the gospel and soaking it in the gospel of compromise rather than repentance. How come we reminisce of the past awakenings, but we fail to see them today? I truly believe it is because we have been caught of up in the Love Movement (which is great to a point), where we communicate the Lord's love, but almost to the point of compromise rather than the power of it all. We are missing the part where the conviction of sin truly penetrates someone's heart, and they recognize their brokenness without the Lord. Then, they begin to realize the Lord's immense love for them, receiving His forgiveness - the very gift that He gave in His sacrifice.
What do we have to lose? This generation, I believe, is going to walk in great authority and we are going to see the Lord move in ways we never even thought possible. But we need to go back to the simplicity of the gospel and begin to honor it in it's power; we need to remember that the Lord so honors faith. As we step out in faith and begin to understand that the Holy Spirit is the divine Spirit that imparts the divine wisdom, we shouldn't fear and we should understand it is up to the Lord because it is all about Him in the first place, not us.
It makes it so simple though. We need to understand the power of the gospel, and as we do that, we will see the Lord move more so than if we were to try and rely on our own power.
This past week, we had our school leader, Amy Sollars, come out to join our team. It was a time of refreshing and receiving fresh perspective. Our work is not done here in Iceland. I feel that it has just begun.
Holy Spirit, invade!! Iceland, get ready! Prayers going up for you and your team DYork. It's like dork but with a little twist :) Blessings from Ohio!