The Lord is so faithful. I have always known that, but I guess it just is becoming more of a reality to me every day. My team and I have been out in the city of Reykjavik for around 3 and a half weeks. We have seen Jesus move powerfully already, and it is so encouraging to see. It is amazing to see because we came out here with almost nothing planned, and now we have almost too many opportunities with different churches and youth centers. The Lord is so faithful.
I say it over and over again, but the pursuit of the knowledge of the Lord is so key in seeing His faithfulness. When we love Jesus and we let Him love us, everything falls into place, and we can then begin to see the Lord's faithfulness through the lens if simplicity.
We haven't seen some of the fruit out here that we may have expected or wanted to see, but we are seeing the Lord's love being released in ways that we have not yet seen. It is about Him, not about us. Therefore, the seeds we are planting will eventually grow and produce lovely fruit, whether we are around to see it or not...because He is that faithful. Stakes have been driven into the ground of Iceland from long ago by many believers praying and crying out for revival in the nation. We have the privilege of driving them in further. The Lord does not forget. He is raising up this generation to begin to have faith and to spring up the wells of revival to see the Lord's faithfulness come to pass. As we begin to do that, His faithfulness will not only be made known in the nation, but it will be made known in a deeper way in our lives. He is always good to us.
This week, our team was hit with a nasty sickness, hindering most of our ministry time. We are all getting better, but if you could, please continue to pray for full healing as we continue to press in for the things that the Lord has for our team and for this nation. Revival is coming...His faithfulness will be made known in this nation. Continue to pray that the rest of our time here really falls into place and that we are able to hear the Lord so clearly on what He would have us do as we ask Him each step of the way. Breakthrough in salvations!
Praying for quick healing, so you can get back to the Lord's work!