It amazes me how the Lord is so continually faithful, even in the midst of all of our chaos. He is never surprised or caught off guard. He knows His children, and He remembers His promises over us. I sometimes get into a panic being reminded of how faithful He truly has been this past year, but thinking what if for some reason He isn't as faithful this year? It is a silly question, but it really does ring in my mind when I let worry and fear override the peace and joy that comes from understanding His faithfulness. It is not like He is surprised by any of that though.
I really feel that this year is going to be one of fulfilled promises from the Lord. Not sure why, but it just seems to fit with His presence increasing as the years continue. I believe He wants to take us deeper on this journey of knowing Him and recognizing His faithfulness to us, even when it looks different than we expected. We need to prepare and hold on to His word if we are to ever see the fulfillment of His promises and blessings! He is a consuming fire, wanting to burn everything else away that does not lead us to His presence. That is what I want!
I Trust Him.
Tomorrow, all of the students arrive for the DTS that I am staffing, and I am more than ready and stoked! We have had an incredible week of preparation, being in prayer and getting the Lord's heart for the school. If some of you don't know, I am currently staffing the Fire and Fragrance DTS here in Kona for this January quarter.
I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do! Thank you all for your prayers and support thus far. I am actually still in need of some help. I believe the Lord will provide, but I want to ask of you two things. First, I would like to ask you to join me in prayer for this journey. I so believe that prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do to lift each other up daily. Secondly, I would like to ask you to pray about partnering with me in supporting me these next few months. I need a total of $500 minimum a month currently. If you would, please pray, and if you feel led to help support me, that would be absolutely incredible and a tremendous blessing. All I need is 25 people to donate $20 a month! It is simple really. You can click the "Information" tab above to find out more and how to donate!
Thank you guys so much!
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