Today during class, we finally announced outreach locations as a school. It has been hard to keep it a secret, but I don't have to for any longer! I have a wonderful team of 6 coming with me in April for a few months to the dreamland of Iceland!
A couple weeks ago, right before the school started, we spoke together as staff about outreach locations. My mind wasn't even close to thinking Iceland. But the night after we first discussed them, the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream, I get off of a plane after they announced we landed in Iceland. As I was greeted by the Icelandic people, they seemed to have had hollowed-out faces; almost as if nothing was there. I knew instantly that the Lord was saying His people in Iceland were empty.
I brought the dream to the team the next day, expecting nothing but a few remarks. That same night, the Lord confirmed the dream in some of the other staff. I knew the Lord was setting something up. That night, I had yet another dream highlighting Iceland. I prayed to the Lord and said, "If this is You, Lord, You need to confirm it and make it an actual location!"
...so He did!
I have an absolutely incredible team of 2 guys and 4 girls coming with me to this amazing place! I know the Lord is going to move in the nation of Iceland powerfully. He has been showing me that our prayers and ministry are not only going to affect Iceland, but also all of Europe, just as the volcano did that irrupted there a year ago. The nation of Iceland longs to know the Lord. These people need to know Him just as much as anyone, and they will!
Jesus, prepare their hearts!
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support! I am going to be needing a lot of financial support to be able to make this happen! Thank you for praying and please continue to do so! It is so powerful. But if you do feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing! Just click the "information" tab above to find out how!
Thanks again!
Iceland, here we come.
Daniel, this is incredible. I'll be in prayer about your trip. It sounds like it will be so amazing!
Oh my gosh! I love how clearly the Lord speaks to you in your dreams. It's been so abundant in the last year. So excited for you, friend.