"God's love isn't base on human performance. His love was there before humans could even perform."
-Andy Byrd
No matter how many times I hear of the Lord's love, I am constantly blown away by how much Jesus truly does love us. God created love, He is love, and He loved before we even could understand it. We can't love without knowing the Lord...and we can't love without recognizing His love for us because the very fact that He is love. It is amazing that we can never separate ourselves from His love, meaning we cannot separate ourselves from His pursuit after our heart!
His heart aches when we look the other way, but when we look into His eyes, His heart is moved. It is like the perfect Father, waiting for His son to look to Him, no matter how far off he truly is. The Father just wants to embrace us with open arms, with eyes that permeate the perfect language of love.
This week was the first week of the school, and it has been incredible! We have never seen the move of the Lord like this in the first week of a DTS. There has been such freedom, healing, and growing, more so than I have ever seen. These students are hungry and want the Lord above all else. It is so encouraging to be apart of.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed and supported me thus far. I am right where I need to be, seeing a side of the Lord's heart that I have never seen before. If you are wondering, I am still in need of some monthly financial support. As of right now, I need at least $500 of monthly support. That is $25 from 20 people a month. First and foremost, I appreciate your prayers above all else. Prayer is such a powerful thing! Secondly, please continue to pray and ask the Lord if you can partner with me this season in pouring into these students' lives. If you do feel led, you can click the "information" tab above to find out how to donate! It would be a tremendous blessing for me!
Keep looking out for updates. We found out our outreach locations this week as a school.
They are:
-Europe (Amsterdam, Berlin, France)
-Hawaiian Islands
-West Coast of America
I am leading one of these teams, but I can't say where quite yet! Again, lookout for updates! I will let you know soon!
Thanks again!
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