It seems to be a recurring theme in my life, but I can't seem to get over how important it is to have deep intimacy with the Lord. It is something I am learning because it definitely isn't something I have perfected by any means. But I guess in this season of my life, the importance of it has really struck my heart. As me and my team have been ministering out here in Iceland for a little over 2 weeks now, we just understand that this point of ministry truly does have to come out of the pure and honest overflow of our hearts, which we will get no other way than being alone with Jesus.
I feel like the importance of it all struck my heart when I began to lead this team of six. I realized how essential it was in my heart and now that I have been placed as a leader of these student's lives, I want them to taste and see the goodness of the intimate times with Jesus. So it has become one of our main priorities.
This past week has been a time of receiving from the Lord. We were able to truly work from the overflow of our hearts. Last thursday night, we ministered to the Bethel young adults group. We took charge of the whole thing, and the Lord totally showed up and moved throughout the room. It was such an encouraging time of worship and receiving the spirit of wisdom and of revelation.
It has been a week of much relationship building. We have had many opportunities to pray for people. We had a day where we all stood outside with a sign that said, "spiritual readings". People would come up to us, we would receive the Lord's heart for them, and then unleash the words we got from the Lord over them. It was powerful and we saw many people be truly touched by that. In the small victories, the Lord is made known!
Thank you guys for your prayers and support. If you could, please continue to pray that the rest of our time out here really falls into place and that we would see heaven come down and touch Iceland like they have never seen before! We are so expectant and trusting the Lord for His faithfulness to be made known.
Thank you Daniel! I ditto what you are saying. It is spurring me on as well to remember that nothing is more important than the relationship we have with Jesus! I need to be jealous over that time. It is like no other time I will spend during the course of any day. I Must have more of Him and that requires arranging my time so that He is the One I seek to be with !! I want my life to overflow from the result of Being With Him, the True Lover of My Soul! Awesome perspective Daniel!