Greetings from Iceland.
It is such a crazy privilege to be out here in the nation of Iceland with 6 other fiery men and women proclaiming the good news while worshipping in the streets. Our team has been out here a little over a week now and it has been so raw and exciting.
Iceland is such a beautiful nation. It is cold, but lovely. Right now, the weather varies between 30 and 40 degrees each day with possible chances of rain. But it is perfect for bundling up and going out into the streets to share about Jesus. We have an amazing opportunity to partner with the cafe out here called Cafe Rot, which is run by the YWAM base. Is basically gives us such a huge opportunity for relationship building and discipleship, which is what we are all about!
We have been going outside, worshipping Jesus, striking up conversations.
We have been going into cafes, drawing prophetic art and giving them away to people with a piece of God's heart in it all.
We have been going out late into the nightlife, providing hot chocolate, going into nightclubs and praying for people in the clubs.
It has been such a raw and pioneering outreach so far, but we know we are scouting out the grounds for more to come, and it has been so exciting!
We have seen the Lord break out into this city already, shedding light over all the darkness and brokenness. We have seen healings break out in such an amazing way and people becoming hungry for their one true Father! The Lord loves this place, and He desires to pour His love onto the broken people who live out here. It is definitely a place of apathetic, broken people, dwelling in the midst of a religious spirit. But we know that as we go out and worship Jesus in the streets, light breaks out and floods into the people's hearts. It is a powerful thing to see!
Thank you all for your prayers and support so far! Please do continue to pray that the Lord would have His way and that things would start falling into place. Again, it is a raw and pioneering outreach, so things can tend to get a bit crazy! The team is doing great. Please do continue to pray for grace as we all learn how to love Jesus together in the midst of the darkness!
Fire of God, touch Iceland!
Daniel, that sounds so awesome! What an amazing opportunity to do all that out there and really invest in the people. I know God's doing such amazing things. Praying for you guys!