
Monday, December 27, 2010

Stars in Still Water

I sometimes feel like a broken record, but I am just constantly reminded of the revelation that everything truly does come back to relationship with Jesus. At the end of the day, when we look into the light of Jesus' face, the fears and worries that we have held on to seem to fade away as we then look into the hope and glory of our Father.

Our Creator; our Maker; our Father is with us always. The very thing we worship and live our daily lives for is the very thing that is in our being.

Notably, it is always encouraging and sometimes relieving when the Lord chooses to speak to us through someone else. But when all is said and done, we can be with our Lord and listen to exactly what He is speaking to us in that very moment.

I have been home the past week and a half, and it really has been so amazing to be here for Christmas. We as a family have seen the Lord move in sovereign ways and we have all caught glimpses of His immense faithfulness to us personally and to our family.
It just seems so obvious, but the Lord is faithful, and He desires a relationship with us...and if He is really as good as we say He is and if we really do believe that He is with us always, why not desire an intimate relationship with Him too?

He wants to speak to us and be with us.

Tomorrow, I head back to Kona, HI to continue staff training. And then, on January 6th, all the new students for the quarter arrive, and that is when this journey truly begins! Thank you guys all for your prayers. It truly means a lot to me. I am still in need of around $500 of monthly support. That is only $10 from 50 people...or $25 from 25 people. If you would, please pray and ask the Lord if you can partner with me in this season of discipleship. If you do feel led, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click on the "Information" tab to find out how to donate!
Thanks again!


Monday, December 20, 2010


When I look back at this past year, I am blown away at what I have accomplished in my life through the Lord. I have been to 7 different countries within this past year, I have made new friendships that I know will last a life time, and I have had a far more significant understanding of who Jesus is and who I am in light of His glory. This year can be summed up by the word Transformation.
As most of you know, I just got back from Israel, and it truly was one of the most amazing times of my entire life. These past 6 months have been challenging, but I have found more truth than I ever though I would be able to.
The Lord is alive and moving today. I know we here that, but the reality of that has so struck my heart. Maybe because I have had a different perspective since I have traveled around quite a bit, but the urgency of preparing the way of the Lord and ushering His presence needs to strike our hearts and the hearts of the nations.
He is coming back, whether we like it or not.
We need to awake as His bride and look into His beautiful face with hope that He is our saving grace. In the light of His glory, the fear will melt away. His eyes pierce the darkness away and brings peace that surpasses understanding. When will we realize the beauty of the Lord?

As most of you know, I am now home in Denver, CO for Christmas! It has been quite the busy week preparing for the DTS in January, but my heart is so expectant. I would love to get with all of you if possible. But in case not and in case you don't know what I am doing, I am going back to Kona the 28th and am going to be staffing the DTS this january. I am SO excited for this. As of now, I am still lacking a good $300.00 a month needed for staff fees! If you would like to join me in pouring into these students lives and seeing revival in the nations, please let me know. Anything helps...Especially Prayer! Click here for more detail on what I am doing and how to support me! Thanks so much!

Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 11, 2010


As I sit here in the Frankfurt, Germany airport, I recognize the vast amount of people that seem to just plane hop. Thousands and thousands of people come through this airport everyday with a destination in mind. They come here with some of their belongings, then they hop right onto a giant machine that will carry them across nations. The thing that gets me is how do these people not understand the simple beauty of creation. It seems that they tend to forget the journey they are on, flying across oceans and countries...asleep. They trust in big machines, but how can they not be confronted with truth and trust in a higher power?
Lord, would you open their eyes. Let them be challenged by your truth so much so that they would have to seek and find you, Jesus.
Ten hours ago, I was in Jerusalem, Israel. Now, I am in Frankfurt, on my way to Colorado, then Kona. The Lord is so faithful. I say it over and over, but He undoubtedly knows what He is doing. This season, the Lord has so divinely set me up with some of the most amazing people, and in the midst of that, the Lord has so divinely placed us all in the same place to be challenged by each other and to grow closer to the Lord's heart together. It was so hard to say goodbye, but the Lord doesn't do things for no reason. He is Divinity. These relationships are lifelong. Everything He has done in my spirit and to those around me was significant and divine.
Although it is hard to move on to the next big step, the Lord is always worthy, and I trust Him more than I would the machines that get me there.

For those of you who aren't sure what I am up to next, you can click the "Future Plans" tab above to see what the next big step is. I am still in need of some financial support. So thank you guys so much for your prayers. If you do end up feeling led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can find out how by clicking that same tab above.

Thanks again!


Sunday, December 5, 2010


"See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains." -Matthew 24:4-8

These past couple days, our team was in Haifa, staying up on Mt. Carmel where Elijah once called down fire on the prophets of Baal. As soon as we arrived on thursday, we noticed a thick cloud of smoke hovering over the city. In the midst of it all, we recognize the beauty of the sun protruding through the thick clouds, creating a beautiful site to look at. We then found out that the fire was right up on Mt. Carmel where we were staying. As we went up, we get settled in and headed back down to get some dinner in two separate cars, five of us in each. There were ambulances and chaos all throughout the mountain. We saw some sparks and remnants of the fire on the side of the mountain. But it looked like it was being tamed.
We finally got down to the city, got some dinner. As we were leaving, my car waited for the other car...and nothing. They weren't anywhere. We drove around the parking garage a few times, and still found no trace of them.
"Well, let's just drive up to our place, they will be there too."
Too bad the roads were closed because the fire has now gone out of control, killing 40 people. We saw the side of the mountain, but this time, the flames were out of control, spreading even higher up and deeper down the mountain. The team found a way to write a facebook message to us, we just needed to find Wi-Fi here and there.
"Great, we lost our team with no communication in the midst of Israel's worst fire yet...what are we going to do?"
Well, after 7 hours of driving around aimlessly, rummaging through people's backyards thinking they were guest houses, and searching hotel after hotel, we finally found our team at 3am at a guest house in Haifa. Praise the Lord
Reading Matthew, it is crazy to think that this fire here in Israel, His chosen nation, was necessary, yet it is not the end of the age. These are just the beginning of the birth pains. What is to come? Personally, I think that this generation is going to see some of the most terrifyingly brilliant things that no one has seen yet. Aslan is on the move, and we better be ready to embrace His refining fire that will cause us to depend on Him, no matter what the circumstance is.

If some of you are wondering, my whole ticket situation is worked out. I found a ticket back to Kona on the 12th for staff training. Praise the Lord. But now, I just need a few hundred dollars to be able to pay for the ticket! Thanks for all your prayers and support thus far! If you do feel led to help support me and get me on my way to Kona to staff the DTS, that would be incredible. Just click the "East Coast/Israel" tab above!
One more week here in Israel!
Thanks everyone who made it possible.
It has been more than I could ask for!
