
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pin Point

Well, it has been a long time updating. I have to admit, I really do miss the blogging world. Life without a computer isn't too hard, but it is inconvenient, and I have come to realize that the hard way. But I am back for now, updating you guys on this past exciting month that I have been able to be apart of.

As you most of you know, my outreach to Iceland and England ended on June 12th. From there, my team and I went on back to Kona, HI for a week of debrief and a glorious reunion with the rest of the school. It was an enjoyable time and it was amazing to reflect on these past 6 months and truly see and recognize what the Lord has done in our hearts and in the nations. I have never heard so many powerful testimonies of outreaches as I have in this school. It has been absolutely incredible.

These past 6 months have transformed me, and I can honestly say that they have been the best 6 months of my life so far. The way the Lord revealed His faithfulness to me was absolutely incredible, especially in Iceland where it seems like we had no opportunities to having endless opportunities. Psalm 16 talks about how the Lord will never abandon my soul. I believe that now more than ever.

I have said it so many times before, but if we just look at Jesus and fall more in love with Him and His worthiness, I can guarantee you that every fear, worry, or doubt will fall away, because when we recognize how good Jesus is, we can recognize that we truly can trust Him, because He is our only hope. He is so faithful, that even in my weaknesses, He can use me to change someone's heart or even to affect a nation. Iceland will never be the same...but it isn't because of me, it is because of the Lord's faithfulness!

God is so undoubtedly good. I will never question that again.

As some of you know, I am transitioning right away to staff another school out here called The Circuit Riders. I would love to tell you more about it, but this blogpost is long enough! So just click the "Circuit Rider" link above to find out more! Thanks!


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