
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grasping An Imagination

Buried embers will blaze again.

It is a crazy feeling when you are actually faced with the reality of your desires and dreams. When we dream, we never actually apply our physical element. It is up to our imagination until the very moment we are released to walk in the reality of our dreams. Our God is an amazing God. The very fact that He would allow us to dream dreams of reality with Him astound me.

With that said, being out in Ireland is absolutely amazing, but the reality of this dream looks so much different than then imagination of it all. Pioneering a team to lead this nation under revival with the glory of the Lord is such an incredible privilege, but you better believe that you are going to come under the powers of darkness and hell in the midst of it. Truthfully, in releasing the glory of the Lord over this nation, we are scaring the enemy to his core. There are spiritual strongholds set up by the enemy himself that my team and I have hit head on. It has been hard. But so good.

Ireland is a slave of disunity, loneliness, rejection, independence, hurt, etc. But at the same time, this nation has a destiny and purpose of creativity, family, love, hope, refuge, etc. Since we want to bring a sense of family into this nation, we are undoubtedly going to hit the spirit of disunity and loneliness. But the amazing thing is, the Lord our God has equipped each of us specifically, and He says in His word that we have the authority to walk in the opposite spirit. As we do that, breakthrough truly takes place, and we produce light to replace the darkness in the land!

Ireland has been amazing. We have just over a month left of our scouting trip. I am still in dire need of your help, especially in the area of finances. The Lord is so good. But in order for me to continue to be out in this land, bringing the heart of the Lord and merging it with the heart of the nation, I still need around $3,000. It is a lot to us, but not to Him. If you could pray that our team has total protection and guidance from Jesus, that would be amazing. But if you do feel led to help support me, that would be such an immense blessing. You can click the "Ireland" tab above to find out how to donate!

Praying for you guys! Thanks for your support. With this update, I will be putting a video update out explaining more of my time out here in Ireland!

Love you guys!


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