
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Irish Journey

Four years ago, I had a dream that I was standing near the ocean with a group of friends. I looked up in the sky. The clouds started to draw in. But a crystal clear bowl was resting in the middle of the sky. It was filled with water and was very large. I watched as it began to tip over and pour out the water. As soon as it did, it began to downpour rain. Around the same time that I had this dream, I began to consider going to Ireland, knowing the Lord had placed it on my heart. I knew it was Jesus because it was so random that I couldn't have just made it up myself. While I was in Iceland, I had this dream once again so vividly, which has never happened to me before.

Four years ago in a church in Ireland, it was prophesied that there would be burning ones that would rise up from America to go to Ireland and to begin to pour out. They prophesied that it would happen in four years. This year, they said that the burning ones that would come into Ireland would be like a fresh outpouring of rain in the land. We would be carrier (bowls) of the Lord's presence (water) that begins to pour out over the land like rain.

As most of you know, I am leaving in around 2 weeks to make the journey on out to Ireland. This has been on my heart for the past 4-5 years and I have never been so excited or expectant. I have a team of 12 including myself going out preparing for a longterm community. I am going to make a seperate video and blog update explaining more of what we are doing out there, but this journey that the Lord is taking us all on has been one that the Lord has so evidently prepared. We want to be the burning ones that go and set Ireland on fire with the glory of the Lord. We want His presence to wash over like rain on the land.

In order to make this possible, my 2 month trip coming up is going to be around $4,500. I so believe that this is the Lord's vision, not mine, so I know He will provide. If you could, please partner with me in this extraordinary journey the Lord is taking us on by praying for us. We need prayer more than anything because we want the Lord's guidance. If you could, please also pray about possibly supporting financially. If you do feel led, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can click the "Circuit Riders" link above to find out how to donate or just email me at

Thanks so much!

"Burning embers will blaze again!" [Old Irish Proverb]


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