Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Stuck in Certainty
Well, sorry for the unannounced hiatus from my blog, but I am back and ready to update on all the craziness that has ensued in the past couple months. I have to admit, I miss the blogging world after a while. I feel like my writing may even be a bit rusty, but here is to grace!
In the past couple months, I would say that hasn't been too much revelation on anything new as much as there has been revelation on things of familiarity. The Lord has been pounding the idea holy fear into my heart quite this chapter of my life. "The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom." -Proverbs 1:1. Man, I didn't know that to begin a journey of eternal wisdom would look like this or even take this long. The Lord is the ultimate mediator, and I believe whole heartedly that He is raising up a generation that forgets what it is like to have fear of man and completely walks in a greater understanding of the fear of the Lord. He is our Savior and perfect Father who works things together for our good.
I know I have mentioned this before, but if God desires a relationship with us, that means He desires a living and breathing intaraction of love and deep conversation where we truly listen to everything He says. Prophets are for the edification and confirmation of the word of the Lord. But we have to realize that the Lord speaks directly to us, only if we are willing to listen. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying prophecy and prophets aren't right, but I am saying that we need to always trace everything we hear back to the word of the Lord directly.
As you guys know, I finished up an amazing scouting trip to Ireland with a group of 12. It was absolutely incredible. And also as you may know, I was planning on going back out in February to launch a long-term two year plant out in Ireland with this group of people. Since being home, the Lord seemed to be speaking something different. It is scary to not know exactly what He is doing, but I guess that is why He calls it the fear of the Lord. The community is still going out in February to Ireland, and this excites me more than I can say, and I know I will be apart of this community in one way or another. I still feel called to go out, but as of now, I feel a fear of the Lord on the timing and feel He is telling me to not go out right away. It is His deal, not mine, so I trust Him and am so excited that this community is still going out and that I will be apart of it soon. This is what I have been praying for Ireland; that there would be a group of selfless lovers giving their lives to the land, and that is what Ireland is getting. Praise Jesus!
If you guys could just be praying for me and that the Lord brings immense clarity for me in this season, being as I am not fully sure where He is taking me or what He is doing yet. I know it is a season of intimacy, preparation, fear of the Lord, and humility. As far as more clarity, I am not sure. So thank you guys so much for your prayers and support! I will continue to keep you updated on everything that comes!
Much Love!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Anything Means Anything
Why is it so hard sometimes to actually believe who we really are? The Lord will speak and reveal to us His thoughts over us and we will believe Him for a moment until the enemy simply distracts us with other insecurites. I have been on this journey with the Lord, intensely, for the past two years now. As soon as I feel like I get it, more is brought up in my heart that I have to deal with. But it is all for the sake of clearing my vision so I can truly see who I am in the Lord's eyes.
The Lord will never put us in any situation that we cannot handle with His help. Remember, He is the one that equips us and enables us. So, will we choose to walk in the grace set before us, or will we simply allow ourselves to be distracted by the enemy making a circus act out of our own insecurities? The Lord speaks who we are, and that is enough to break every chain. Being confident is one thing, but walking out in that confidence with a humility and grace is another. We need to know who we are, walk out in confidence as the Lord speaks, and we will always be readily equipped for what is next. The enemy just sits off on the side, trying to distract us, but the Lord is far more fascinating.
The Lord is the one who speaks our character; He is the one taking us on this journey because He wants to. Let's choose to listen to Him, because when we do, we will always walk ahead with the joy set before us in the midst of any circumstance or relationship.
I am currently in Oregon with my special lady. It has been a time of rest, processing, and battling these very insecurities in the midst of relationship; but it has also been a time of breakthrough and complete joy from the Lord. I am SO happy. As you guys know, I just got back from my two months in Ireland. I am still in debt with to my school because a lot of us didn't ever fully get the money we needed. I still need $600 to pay it all off. If you guys could pray with me and continue to ask the Lord to reveal His will and joy in the midst of this all, that would be amazing. And if you do feel led to help support me, that would be such a blessing. You can click the "Ireland" tab above to find out how to donate!
Thanks again!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Re: Repeat
How many times now have we heard that the Lord is all about the journey and not just the destination? This has been something I have been told for the past couple years now, but the Lord still has to continually remind me of it almost everyday. I think sometimes it just becomes so easy to get caught up in such rhetoric and familiar structure that we begin to take ownership of our journey, not always meaning to force the destination and forget the path to it; but it just seems so easy to.
The Lord loves to bless His children, even in the smallest of things. He wants to be revealed; He longs for us to acknowledge Him in the midst of our journey. If we begin to recognize Jesus in our journey, the destination will be taken care of and we will never find ourselves dissatisfied or disappointed in our own individual journey with our King. How joyous and and magnificent is our Creator, who so longs to be with us. We should just as willingly desire to be with Him. And when we recognize this desire, our journey will become the most significant act of intimacy.
Tomorrow, I head out of Ireland and then head to Scotland for two weeks. My Ireland outreach has been more than I could even ask for. The Lord's favor and faithfulness has been made manifest in my life more than ever before. Thank you all who made this a possibility for me. An update video will come shortly to explain all that has happened.
In the meantime, I am in urgent need of close to $1,500 for the rest of my travels. I have a debt of about $600 towards my Ireland team that needs to be paid off. Then I need to purchase my ticket back home to the states. I am planning on flying back on the 31st of October, and that will be around $700 plus a couple hundred in other travel expenses. If you could, please pray for me and that the Lord has His way! That would mean a ton! If you could also pray if you are supposed to help support me financially, that would be amazing. You can click the "Ireland" tab above to find out how to donate, or just email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com.
Thanks again!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Expecting the Expected
Coming out to Ireland is far more different than what I originally expected. Technically, my team and I are doing everything we initially planned, but spitirually and emotionally, it has just been different. I love it though. I love how the Lord surprised His children. But when lining up what we have done with my own expectations, I have realized how much I have tried to make it look like my own perception, rather than receiving the manna that the Lord has prepared for me. I begin to get weighed down with pushing my own ideas and thoughts into the Lord's. So I found out it is better that I just stop and receive. When I take a step back and look at the bigger picture, my expectations are blown out of the water and I then become humbled at the fact that the Lord is more committed to me and Ireland than I will ever be!
Being in a relationship is similar. I can place all my own expectations on how I feel a relationship should look, but than that can cause me to be selfish in a way and not allow the beauty of an unfolding love take place!
In reference to Ireland, we have just under a month left here in Ireland for our scouting trip before we head off. We are traveling around the island some more and are so expectant for the Lord to speak His heart even more to our team! After Ireland, I am heading off to Scotland to visit and join in on a conference. From there I am heading off to Iceland to reconnect with relationships built there. I am so excited, but am still in need of some prayer and support! So if you could, please continue to pray for me and my team that we truly are sensitive to the Lord's Spirit. Also, I am still in need of around $2,000 in order for all this to happen! If you could pray, that would be amazing. And if you do feel led to help support me, that would be such a tremendous blessing! You can click the "Ireland" tab above to find out how!
Thanks again!
Much love!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Grasping An Imagination
Buried embers will blaze again.
It is a crazy feeling when you are actually faced with the reality of your desires and dreams. When we dream, we never actually apply our physical element. It is up to our imagination until the very moment we are released to walk in the reality of our dreams. Our God is an amazing God. The very fact that He would allow us to dream dreams of reality with Him astound me.
With that said, being out in Ireland is absolutely amazing, but the reality of this dream looks so much different than then imagination of it all. Pioneering a team to lead this nation under revival with the glory of the Lord is such an incredible privilege, but you better believe that you are going to come under the powers of darkness and hell in the midst of it. Truthfully, in releasing the glory of the Lord over this nation, we are scaring the enemy to his core. There are spiritual strongholds set up by the enemy himself that my team and I have hit head on. It has been hard. But so good.
Ireland is a slave of disunity, loneliness, rejection, independence, hurt, etc. But at the same time, this nation has a destiny and purpose of creativity, family, love, hope, refuge, etc. Since we want to bring a sense of family into this nation, we are undoubtedly going to hit the spirit of disunity and loneliness. But the amazing thing is, the Lord our God has equipped each of us specifically, and He says in His word that we have the authority to walk in the opposite spirit. As we do that, breakthrough truly takes place, and we produce light to replace the darkness in the land!
Ireland has been amazing. We have just over a month left of our scouting trip. I am still in dire need of your help, especially in the area of finances. The Lord is so good. But in order for me to continue to be out in this land, bringing the heart of the Lord and merging it with the heart of the nation, I still need around $3,000. It is a lot to us, but not to Him. If you could pray that our team has total protection and guidance from Jesus, that would be amazing. But if you do feel led to help support me, that would be such an immense blessing. You can click the "Ireland" tab above to find out how to donate!
Praying for you guys! Thanks for your support. With this update, I will be putting a video update out explaining more of my time out here in Ireland!
Love you guys!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Viridus Folium
"Jesus moves where the power of the cross is manifested."
-Lou Engle
Jesus crushed death, defeated all the sins in the world, made intercession, and revealed His love through the sacrifice He made on the cross. We can never forget the power of that very act of love. When we manifest that very power in the earth today, the Lord reveals Himself in ways we never thought possible. When we intercede and rend the heavens for the Lord to break through as a just God over injustices, He shows up; when we learn to love our neighbors and our enemies, He shows up; when we come against the attacks of the enemy, He shows up with great power.
As we go out into the nations, we need to have a deeper revelation of the cross and the power it carries, for revelation demands participation. When we understand the cross, we move out in participation with the will of God. We then will begin to believe that God is who He says He is and that His sacrifice was real.
The Circuit Rider school is now officially over, and it has been such a transformational 5 weeks. Over 250 students sent out to fulfill the great commission with deep revelation of the first commandment. I am now on my slow journey to Ireland. I leave this tuesday. In the meantime, my team and I are just doing family and life together, building deep love for each other before we go out to Ireland.
I am currently still in need of around $3,500 by this tuesday for this all to be possible. Please, if you will, partner with me and the call of missions on my life in Ireland. I need your help, both prayerfully and financially. I believe prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do for each other. If you want to find out more about what we are up to and the vision behind it, click the "Ireland" tab above. And if you feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing. Click on that same "Ireland" tab to find out more of how you can donate. It is super easy!
Thanks so much for all your prayers!
Much Love,
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Dumbfounded Princess Always Seeks the King
"I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work the you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed." -John 17:4 (Jesus to His Father)
What would it look like to fully yearn and seek the fullness of the glory of the Lord in this generation? If we were truly captivated and fascinated by the glory of the Lord, we would never find ourselves fully satisfied, yet we would just be longing for the fullness and seeking it constantly. It would be a never ending cycle of being fascinated with our King while constantly pursuing Him in the journey of life.
Jesus obviously was glorified in His years of ministry on earth. He was glorious and magnificent in human nature. Yet, Jesus still yearned and sought out the fullness of the gory of His Father that He had before the foundations of the world. Jesus notably carried the delight and glory of His Father, yet He still longed for the fullness. Why should we stop at any given moment and label ourselves "satisfied"? In all honesty, as believers, we need to imitate Jesus. And if Jesus wasn't even fully satisfied with the glory of His Father and He was constantly wanting more, then we should never be satisfied and should be always wanting more; that is, if we believe in the power of Jesus!
This is the last week of Circuit Riders. I can't even believe that this time has already come and gone. With that said, I am about to embark on the dreams of my heart in taking a team out to Ireland. The awesome thing is, the Lord has to provide around $4,000 for this to even be possible by the end of this week. It was God's vision before it was ever mine, so I know He will be faithful. If you could, please pray for me and my team! If you do feel led to help support me, that would be such a tremendous blessing. You can click the "Circuit Riders" link above to find out how!
Thanks again!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
An Irish Journey
Four years ago in a church in Ireland, it was prophesied that there would be burning ones that would rise up from America to go to Ireland and to begin to pour out. They prophesied that it would happen in four years. This year, they said that the burning ones that would come into Ireland would be like a fresh outpouring of rain in the land. We would be carrier (bowls) of the Lord's presence (water) that begins to pour out over the land like rain.
As most of you know, I am leaving in around 2 weeks to make the journey on out to Ireland. This has been on my heart for the past 4-5 years and I have never been so excited or expectant. I have a team of 12 including myself going out preparing for a longterm community. I am going to make a seperate video and blog update explaining more of what we are doing out there, but this journey that the Lord is taking us all on has been one that the Lord has so evidently prepared. We want to be the burning ones that go and set Ireland on fire with the glory of the Lord. We want His presence to wash over like rain on the land.
In order to make this possible, my 2 month trip coming up is going to be around $4,500. I so believe that this is the Lord's vision, not mine, so I know He will provide. If you could, please partner with me in this extraordinary journey the Lord is taking us on by praying for us. We need prayer more than anything because we want the Lord's guidance. If you could, please also pray about possibly supporting financially. If you do feel led, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can click the "Circuit Riders" link above to find out how to donate or just email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com.
Thanks so much!
"Burning embers will blaze again!" [Old Irish Proverb]
Saturday, July 23, 2011
My Soul to Keep
The same goes for intercession. The Lord desires to break the strongholds of the enemy. He is a just God and a righteous God. The Lord could so simply end abortion if He wanted to; He doesn't limit himself. But He desires for His children to partner with Him in the process. If the Lord ended all the world's injustices now with the wave of His hand, it would lose the significance of the partnering relationship we get to have with Jesus. He wants us to gain His heart so that when we do, we will be blown away by the power and love of God when He listens to our prayers and ends the injustices in the world. This effect is so much more everlasting than if He were to just wave His hand and end it all at once. We as His children need to begin to gain the heart of the Lord so that we would look more like Jesus in His compassionate character.
As most of you know, I am heading out to Ireland in one month. I will be out there for 2 months scouting the ground for us to be be able to go out next year and plant our community long term. The Lord is obviously speaking of how we will begin to physically scout the ground and prepare, but He has also told us that this time is going to be a time that we scout in the spiritual. One of our biggest focuses is to intercede and cry out for the heart of the Lord for Ireland so that when He releases His glory, it will be so much more powerful because of us standing in the gap. We will claim the ground in worship and intercession so that when we go out long term, we will just simply be able to run with authority.
We still have 3 weeks left of the Circuit Rider school until we head out. I am still in need of around $4,500 for this Ireland trip to become a reality. If you could, please pray. Prayer is the most powerful thing we believers can do for each other I believe. If you do feel led to partner with me even financially, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can just email me or click on the "Circuit Riders" link above to find out more on what I am doing and how to donate! Thanks so much!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Stamp Eternity
I personally believe that one of the main hindrances against this generation walking out into the fullest of what the Lord has for them is unbelief. We say we believe the Lord when times are good an promising. But what about when in times of uncertainty? I feel the breakthrough this generation needs comes through believing God is who He says He is and we are who He says we are, even in the midst of hard circumstances.
What would it look like if every one of us had faith and actually believed the Lord is one who fulfills His promises? God's character has never changed; we have just put Him in a box and have defined His character for Him, rather than believing what His word says. The Lord says He is a healer, well, let's believe He is a healer then! God said we would do greater things than Jesus did, well, let us stop pitying ourselves and actually believe that God is a God of truth. In every area of our life, unbelief will creep in and try to get us discouraged, defeated, and hopeless. Let us recognize ourselves as sons and daughters of the living God and having fresh faith and expectation every morning of the things the Lord can do!
This past week was our first week of The School of the Circuit Riders. We found freedom, hope, fire, and joy. The school is absolutely incredible. The 250 students are so hungry and ready for everything the Lord has. And as we all have cried out in hunger, the Lord has increased His presence in ways I can't even describe!
If you guys could, continue to pray that everything with my outreach to Ireland falls into place. We leave in a little over a month and not a whole lot is set up. So we are just trusting the Lord. If you guys would partner with me in prayer, that would be so powerful and amazing. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be incredible. I am still in need of some financial support. To find out more how to donate and more details about the school I am doin, just click the "Circuit Rider" link above!
Thanks again!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sinking in Dreams
What would it look like for a generation to believe in the power of the simple gospel? For them to go out into the nations with unoffendable hearts and not one hint of a critical spirit inside of them? What would it look like for a generation to begin to believe in the call of the Lord over their lives? The Lord is faithful, and He is who He says He is. He is our healer because He said He is our healer. He is our provider because He says He is our provider. He is our deliverer because He says He is our deliverer.
I am so convinced that this will be the generation that truly believes that God is who He says He is and He will never go back on His word; He will fulfill His promises. There is so much power in the gospel. We don't need to hinder ourselves by trying to evaluate and criticize our giftings and qualifications. Truth is, none of us are even qualified to go out into the nations. But by God's glorious grace, He qualifies us, even in our weaknesses. He doesn't want us to glorify or exalt our weaknesses, but He wants us to recognize them because then we will finally realize that He is made strong in all of them!
This past week, I was in staff training for the new school I am staffing called The Circuit Riders. We have been nailing the simple truth and power of the gospel into our spirits, and it seems that our only response has been simple obedience. The new breed of simple obedient, completely abandoned believers is being formed. They are called the Circuit Riders, and it is going to be exciting!
If you want to find out more about the school or even apply for it, click the "Circuit Riders" link above. I am still in need of financial support. If you could, please pray with me that the Lord has His way in the school. And if you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click that same link above to find out how!
Thanks again!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Pin Point
Well, it has been a long time updating. I have to admit, I really do miss the blogging world. Life without a computer isn't too hard, but it is inconvenient, and I have come to realize that the hard way. But I am back for now, updating you guys on this past exciting month that I have been able to be apart of.
As you most of you know, my outreach to Iceland and England ended on June 12th. From there, my team and I went on back to Kona, HI for a week of debrief and a glorious reunion with the rest of the school. It was an enjoyable time and it was amazing to reflect on these past 6 months and truly see and recognize what the Lord has done in our hearts and in the nations. I have never heard so many powerful testimonies of outreaches as I have in this school. It has been absolutely incredible.
These past 6 months have transformed me, and I can honestly say that they have been the best 6 months of my life so far. The way the Lord revealed His faithfulness to me was absolutely incredible, especially in Iceland where it seems like we had no opportunities to having endless opportunities. Psalm 16 talks about how the Lord will never abandon my soul. I believe that now more than ever.
I have said it so many times before, but if we just look at Jesus and fall more in love with Him and His worthiness, I can guarantee you that every fear, worry, or doubt will fall away, because when we recognize how good Jesus is, we can recognize that we truly can trust Him, because He is our only hope. He is so faithful, that even in my weaknesses, He can use me to change someone's heart or even to affect a nation. Iceland will never be the same...but it isn't because of me, it is because of the Lord's faithfulness!
God is so undoubtedly good. I will never question that again.
As some of you know, I am transitioning right away to staff another school out here called The Circuit Riders. I would love to tell you more about it, but this blogpost is long enough! So just click the "Circuit Rider" link above to find out more! Thanks!
As you most of you know, my outreach to Iceland and England ended on June 12th. From there, my team and I went on back to Kona, HI for a week of debrief and a glorious reunion with the rest of the school. It was an enjoyable time and it was amazing to reflect on these past 6 months and truly see and recognize what the Lord has done in our hearts and in the nations. I have never heard so many powerful testimonies of outreaches as I have in this school. It has been absolutely incredible.
These past 6 months have transformed me, and I can honestly say that they have been the best 6 months of my life so far. The way the Lord revealed His faithfulness to me was absolutely incredible, especially in Iceland where it seems like we had no opportunities to having endless opportunities. Psalm 16 talks about how the Lord will never abandon my soul. I believe that now more than ever.
I have said it so many times before, but if we just look at Jesus and fall more in love with Him and His worthiness, I can guarantee you that every fear, worry, or doubt will fall away, because when we recognize how good Jesus is, we can recognize that we truly can trust Him, because He is our only hope. He is so faithful, that even in my weaknesses, He can use me to change someone's heart or even to affect a nation. Iceland will never be the same...but it isn't because of me, it is because of the Lord's faithfulness!
God is so undoubtedly good. I will never question that again.
As some of you know, I am transitioning right away to staff another school out here called The Circuit Riders. I would love to tell you more about it, but this blogpost is long enough! So just click the "Circuit Rider" link above to find out more! Thanks!
Monday, May 30, 2011
At last, after quite sometime, I have gained enough time and now have access to a computer to be able to write an update. As you guys may know, my laptop was stolen a couple weeks ago. So, that explains the lack of updates.
Anyways, I am currently in England. My team and I got here last night from Reykjavik, Iceland. We spent 2 whole months in Iceland, pouring into the city, the lost teens, and the body of Christ. As other updates have said, it truly has been one of the most amazing time of my life. Each of us found it really hard to leave the city...it really did take a piece of our hearts. The Lord is so in love with that nation. He longs to be the Father over the lost and the broken. Revival is on the verge of breaking out in that nation. Continue to lift it up in prayer as the Lord releases His strong love over His children.
We are in England now, stationed in Wokingham, staying with my good friends, Greg and Lizzy Palios. We felt from the Lord that we were to come out here, focusing on prayer and intercession as we cry out for the Lord to break out His spirit all over Europe. I had a dream back in Kona that our prayers would rise up like the ash of the volcano and cover all of Europe. I found out recently that London was the city most affected by the ash from the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland last year. So we thought that we would come to England, worship and intercede for Iceland and for Europe, believing for the Lord to shift this continent to recognize the light of the Lord.
I am currently still in need of some finances for my plane ticket out here and to be able to make it for the rest of my time out here in England. Thank you guys so much for your prayers and support. If you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com or click the "iceland" tab above to find out how to donate! Thanks so much!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Magnets Caught On A Metal Heart

I feel like everyday, I am learning how to renew my mind and to constantly fix my gaze upon Jesus. His presence is so lovely. We can always enjoy it; He wants us to enjoy it. I am blown away still by the fact that the Lord is so much bigger than all of our problems, yet He is our perfect Father and He cares for even the smallest things.
Every time I feel stressed, every time I feel worried, or any time I begin to fear about anything, Jesus is waiting to take my burdens away from me. He is that good.
This past week, we have seen five people here in Reykjavik give their lives to the Lord. It has been such an amazing sight to see. A man by the name of Alfred one day came up to one of my students out of the blue and said that He desired to know this Jesus that we all speak of. It was that easy; the harvest is so ready out here in Iceland. All we have to do is love people with the love of Jesus and watch as that very love will transform them. As I was watching Alfred give his life to the Lord, everything else on my mind seemed to just disappear as I watched a life truly be transformed right before my eyes. It was amazing.
I get so caught up in my own worries and petty little fears, but the thing is, I have the joy of my salvation to hold on to! Jesus is my perfect Father and He takes care of everything, I just get to love and be loved by Him while watching people fall under the love of Jesus! There is nothing quite like seeing someone become a new creation! Jesus loves His children, He loves me, He loves you, and He even loves those who don't love Him in return. Lord, let my relationship with You cause the world to fall in love with You!
We just started our 24-7 prayer week, meaning a whole week of non-stop prayer! It is so exciting! Thanks for your prayers and support! More updates to come. Continue to pray that the power of the gospel breaks out in this nation!
Sunday, May 1, 2011

I want my soul to be set ablaze. I want the fire in my heart to grow even brighter. Lord, let me burn for You.
I have been struck this week with how much Jesus truly does deserve to receive the reward of His suffering. I think the truth of the gospel has been hindered in this generation. I think we have been dulling the power of the gospel and soaking it in the gospel of compromise rather than repentance. How come we reminisce of the past awakenings, but we fail to see them today? I truly believe it is because we have been caught of up in the Love Movement (which is great to a point), where we communicate the Lord's love, but almost to the point of compromise rather than the power of it all. We are missing the part where the conviction of sin truly penetrates someone's heart, and they recognize their brokenness without the Lord. Then, they begin to realize the Lord's immense love for them, receiving His forgiveness - the very gift that He gave in His sacrifice.
What do we have to lose? This generation, I believe, is going to walk in great authority and we are going to see the Lord move in ways we never even thought possible. But we need to go back to the simplicity of the gospel and begin to honor it in it's power; we need to remember that the Lord so honors faith. As we step out in faith and begin to understand that the Holy Spirit is the divine Spirit that imparts the divine wisdom, we shouldn't fear and we should understand it is up to the Lord because it is all about Him in the first place, not us.
It makes it so simple though. We need to understand the power of the gospel, and as we do that, we will see the Lord move more so than if we were to try and rely on our own power.
This past week, we had our school leader, Amy Sollars, come out to join our team. It was a time of refreshing and receiving fresh perspective. Our work is not done here in Iceland. I feel that it has just begun.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It's Easy

The Lord is so faithful. I have always known that, but I guess it just is becoming more of a reality to me every day. My team and I have been out in the city of Reykjavik for around 3 and a half weeks. We have seen Jesus move powerfully already, and it is so encouraging to see. It is amazing to see because we came out here with almost nothing planned, and now we have almost too many opportunities with different churches and youth centers. The Lord is so faithful.
I say it over and over again, but the pursuit of the knowledge of the Lord is so key in seeing His faithfulness. When we love Jesus and we let Him love us, everything falls into place, and we can then begin to see the Lord's faithfulness through the lens if simplicity.
We haven't seen some of the fruit out here that we may have expected or wanted to see, but we are seeing the Lord's love being released in ways that we have not yet seen. It is about Him, not about us. Therefore, the seeds we are planting will eventually grow and produce lovely fruit, whether we are around to see it or not...because He is that faithful. Stakes have been driven into the ground of Iceland from long ago by many believers praying and crying out for revival in the nation. We have the privilege of driving them in further. The Lord does not forget. He is raising up this generation to begin to have faith and to spring up the wells of revival to see the Lord's faithfulness come to pass. As we begin to do that, His faithfulness will not only be made known in the nation, but it will be made known in a deeper way in our lives. He is always good to us.
This week, our team was hit with a nasty sickness, hindering most of our ministry time. We are all getting better, but if you could, please continue to pray for full healing as we continue to press in for the things that the Lord has for our team and for this nation. Revival is coming...His faithfulness will be made known in this nation. Continue to pray that the rest of our time here really falls into place and that we are able to hear the Lord so clearly on what He would have us do as we ask Him each step of the way. Breakthrough in salvations!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Be Alone

It seems to be a recurring theme in my life, but I can't seem to get over how important it is to have deep intimacy with the Lord. It is something I am learning because it definitely isn't something I have perfected by any means. But I guess in this season of my life, the importance of it has really struck my heart. As me and my team have been ministering out here in Iceland for a little over 2 weeks now, we just understand that this point of ministry truly does have to come out of the pure and honest overflow of our hearts, which we will get no other way than being alone with Jesus.
I feel like the importance of it all struck my heart when I began to lead this team of six. I realized how essential it was in my heart and now that I have been placed as a leader of these student's lives, I want them to taste and see the goodness of the intimate times with Jesus. So it has become one of our main priorities.
This past week has been a time of receiving from the Lord. We were able to truly work from the overflow of our hearts. Last thursday night, we ministered to the Bethel young adults group. We took charge of the whole thing, and the Lord totally showed up and moved throughout the room. It was such an encouraging time of worship and receiving the spirit of wisdom and of revelation.
It has been a week of much relationship building. We have had many opportunities to pray for people. We had a day where we all stood outside with a sign that said, "spiritual readings". People would come up to us, we would receive the Lord's heart for them, and then unleash the words we got from the Lord over them. It was powerful and we saw many people be truly touched by that. In the small victories, the Lord is made known!
Thank you guys for your prayers and support. If you could, please continue to pray that the rest of our time out here really falls into place and that we would see heaven come down and touch Iceland like they have never seen before! We are so expectant and trusting the Lord for His faithfulness to be made known.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Eldur Guðs

Greetings from Iceland.
It is such a crazy privilege to be out here in the nation of Iceland with 6 other fiery men and women proclaiming the good news while worshipping in the streets. Our team has been out here a little over a week now and it has been so raw and exciting.
Iceland is such a beautiful nation. It is cold, but lovely. Right now, the weather varies between 30 and 40 degrees each day with possible chances of rain. But it is perfect for bundling up and going out into the streets to share about Jesus. We have an amazing opportunity to partner with the cafe out here called Cafe Rot, which is run by the YWAM base. Is basically gives us such a huge opportunity for relationship building and discipleship, which is what we are all about!
We have been going outside, worshipping Jesus, striking up conversations.
We have been going into cafes, drawing prophetic art and giving them away to people with a piece of God's heart in it all.
We have been going out late into the nightlife, providing hot chocolate, going into nightclubs and praying for people in the clubs.
It has been such a raw and pioneering outreach so far, but we know we are scouting out the grounds for more to come, and it has been so exciting!
We have seen the Lord break out into this city already, shedding light over all the darkness and brokenness. We have seen healings break out in such an amazing way and people becoming hungry for their one true Father! The Lord loves this place, and He desires to pour His love onto the broken people who live out here. It is definitely a place of apathetic, broken people, dwelling in the midst of a religious spirit. But we know that as we go out and worship Jesus in the streets, light breaks out and floods into the people's hearts. It is a powerful thing to see!
Thank you all for your prayers and support so far! Please do continue to pray that the Lord would have His way and that things would start falling into place. Again, it is a raw and pioneering outreach, so things can tend to get a bit crazy! The team is doing great. Please do continue to pray for grace as we all learn how to love Jesus together in the midst of the darkness!
Fire of God, touch Iceland!
Saturday, April 2, 2011

After around 30 hours of flight time and around 15+ hours worth of layovers, I have finally arrived in the nation of Iceland. I got here 2 days before the rest of my team so that I am able to scout out the land so that when the team gets here, we can all hit the ground running. It has been cold and rainy, sort of lonely, and jet-lag has not been my friend since I have been here, but it already has become one of my favorite places I have already been.
In the times that I have had alone, the Lord has met me powerfully. Every part of my day, it was just me and Him. I could either choose to recognize my loneliness, or choose to recognize the fact that my Father is with me, and my everyday life can be truly walked out with Him. He has so clearly spoken to me about many different things. I feel like my dream life has really come alive, and it just seems really easy to hear His voice, when that is the only thing I can even rely on!
My team finally arrived after being here for two days, and it is amazing to have them all here! We are so excited to just start running, even though we really don't know what we are running into yet. The YWAM base out here is amazing. The people are so hospitable and welcoming. We love it here already.
How often do you get to say you are pioneering something new? That you are setting the foundations of something larger to come? We know the Lord has so sovereignly brought us together here in this specific nation for something larger than we can probably comprehend. Although in all its uncertainty, we know our God is faithful and He will show that to us in this time. That may be the thing I am most excited to see!
Iceland: Where the fire of God meets the land of ice. Jesus, captivate your people!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Outreach has just begun, and it is going to be a wild ride!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Departure, part IV

I am currently sitting in the Chicago airport, waiting to board my flight to Newark, New Jersey. Then from there I head over to Copenhagen, Denmark. Then finally, I hit my home for the next 2 and a half months in Reykjavik, Iceland!
I cannot believe the time is already here to go to Iceland. These past few months have been quite the journey for me. But to sum it all up, I would say the Lord is faithful. Even in the hard times of testing, and even in the most joyous times of praise, the Lord is faithful, and I will listen and follow Him above anything else! His character never changes.
As I head out, I am expectant of what the Lord is going to do in Iceland, although I have no idea what to expect. But I know that the Lord's faithfulness will be made to me in a whole new light. I am excited for it. I will be arriving in Iceland on tuesday, then the rest of my team arrives on friday. I have a couple days by myself to set up ministry and to be alone before the Lord, really seeking His heart. Please continue to pray that everything just falls right into place for our team out here in Iceland. We are still a bit uncertain of everything that is set up for us...but that is all part of the pioneering!
Thank you guys for your prayers and for your support! I couldn't be here without you! The Lord is true to His word, and this was His dream before it was ever mine! Thank you, Jesus, for giving me this opportunity to venture deeper into Your heart!
Destination: Iceland
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Iceland Outreach Update
Daniel York
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy. #379
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 USA
Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Lord's character never changes. This is something that seems so obvious, but why do most of us question it in the times of testing? When everything is good and easy, when everything is fun, the Lord is trustworthy. When everything is hard and difficult, when everything is uncertain, the Lord is still trustworthy.
This past week has been a time of testing for me! It has been a time for me to really look at how I trust the Lord and His faithfulness. It is so easy to say I trust Him when things are going well, but as soon as things shift and I am having a hard time, it then becomes more difficult to believe that He is faithful. I know I have said it once, but what would it look like for a generation of believers to have full dependency upon the Lord? I believe we would see far more revival and awakening if we just choose to believe that the Lord is who He says He is. His character never changes!
We had the opportunity to have Paul and Suzy Childers speaking in our class this week. They are ones who have started the Voice for the Voiceless ministry and began the Sex + Money documentary all about sex trafficking and injustice issues. They came to our school to speak on the Lord's justice. They bring such hope because they preach on tough subjects, but shed light that we can actually be apart of the global change as we see justice come to the earth. The Lord's character never changes! God is the same God of the bible even today. He will bring His justice on earth!
Thank you all who have been praying and supporting me. I leave in 3 weeks for Iceland! I can't even believe it! By this friday, I need a total of $1,500 to be able to make this all happen. If you could, please pray first and foremost that all the fine details of the outreach truly come together and everything works out! I know the Lord has the outreach in His hands because He is the one that spoke it! If you do feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing! You can click the "information" tab above to find out how to donate. If you want to know more about my trip coming up to Iceland, click the "Iceland" tab above!
You can always email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com for any questions!
Thanks again!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Discipline of Rest

I find it funny how hard it is to find rest; to let go of everything to just rest in the Lord's presence. I get so caught up in my schedule and responsibilities that I tend to run into those more than I run into God's presence. I guess part of it is that I feel that I am being irresponsible if I don't perform just hard enough to make sure everything gets done. Finding rest in the Lord just seems to take away from what I need to do. But that is exactly it...as soon as we begin to run into ideas and other distractions, we miss the point of trust in our relationship with God.
To rest is a discipline.
In Hebrews 4, the Lord makes mention of a guaranteed rest for us to enter when we submit ourselves to Him. It doesn't always necessarily look like sleeping or sitting down in a room doing nothing...the rest He speaks of is a posture of our spirits towards His. It IS possible that we can work through our schedules and our day to day responsibilities and still enter the Lord's rest. We just need to posture ourselves to run into His presence rather than away from it. If we can discipline our minds to do this, we will be able to obtain the peace that surpasses all understanding, meaning that if we try to understand it, we will fail.
On March 27th, I head out to Iceland with my team! I have so much anticipation for what the Lord is going to do! If you guys could continue to pray that every small detail would fall into place, that would be amazing. By March 3rd, I need a total of about $1,500 for my outreach to be able to go! If you could, please pray first and foremost! And if you do feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. You can click the "information" tab to find out how you can donate. If you want to know more about what we are doing in Iceland, you can click the "Iceland" tab above as well.
If you have any questions or comments, you can email me at the.daniel.york@gmail.com.
Thanks again!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Royally Made

The Holy Spirit lives inside of us; the very one that we worship, the very one who's presence we cry out for, the one who we are longing to see lives inside of us. In John, chapter 14, Jesus mentions how He is going to leave the disciples, but He also mentions how He is going to leave us with the Holy Spirit, which is the very spirit that guided Jesus while He was on earth as a man.
We are a royal priesthood.
We sometimes, as believers, get so caught up in praying the right prayer and doing the right things to see the Lord move, when in all actuality, He is with us always.
"And surely I am with you, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20.
Steve Thompson of Morning Star Ministries came and spoke to our school this past week. He spoke on the royal priesthood that we are and that we carry Jesus inside of us. Jesus even said that it is better that He goes, so that we could get the Holy Spirit.
We sometimes think it would have been so much better and easier if Jesus were hanging out with us in physical form again like in the bible. But Jesus even says that it is better that He leaves so that He could not only be with us, like in the bible, but that He could live inside of us!
Lord, let me never underestimate who you are inside of me!
If you are all wondering...the Iceland team is doing amazing and we are getting ready to head out here in a little over a month! It is so surreal to me, but I am so excited! I am not sure how much it will be yet, but I am most definitely in need of some financial support still. The Lord has been faithful, so thank you all for praying and supporting me! Please do continue to pray, especially that every fine detail of the outreach will work out! We are looking for some transportation now, so please pray things open up. And if you do feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing! Just click the "information" tab above to find out how to donate. You can also click the "Iceland" tab to find out more of what we will be doing in Iceland!
You guys rock...thanks again.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Broken Open

"...It feels so strange to feel good.
When I was the fire, You were the wood;
When I was petrified, You understood.
I have been broken open.
This was not my master plan.
I was comfortable watching from the stands,
I've been broken open.
All my edges are exposed;
I was once content alone.
Now You are the one that I call home.
I've been broken open."
-Cold War Kids "Broken Open"
Sometimes I wonder how I once lived my life not recognizing the joy of my salvation. When I look at the gospel and I realize what my Savior did, how can I not be filled with immense joy that my Father saved me from death and destruction? He is the joy of my salvation. And when realizing this, why would I ever be afraid to proclaim His name when there are people out there, completely blind to the truth, just waiting to hear the truth of the gospel; the truth of who Jesus really is? I feel a new passion inside of me from this past week. The Lord has taken me on a wild journey of growing together in a deeper relationship. But sometimes, it is so easy to get caught up in our day to day business and to lose sight of the passion that once had gripped us.
We had the privilege of having Tom Osterhus speak in our DTS this week about Biblical Overview. He is a man that truly carries a passion and hunger for the Word of God. I have been blown away by the response from our school of how hungry they are for the Word now. But how can you not be when it contains every answer to every problem? Through the bible, we obtain our worldview. Nothing this world has to offer can shake us when we are grounded in the Word. A passion for the Word will lead us to worshiping our Creator, which will lead to Revival and Reformation in the nations!
It is all about Him...He is so worthy of our praise. It is hard to explain, but I feel like I have been broken open; almost as if I just can't sit on the sidelines anymore...this passion has consumed to continue to know the Lord deeper and to make Him known more extravagantly. Who am I to worry or fear when my Father has saved me and wants to use me, even in my weaknesses and incapabilities, to reach those who are blind, yet eager to know the truth!
Jesus...awaken my soul to a deeper hunger for You in my life and in the nations!
You are worth it all!
I head out to Iceland with my team at the end of March! Everything is coming together, and it is so exciting. Thank you all for your prayers and support! I am still in need of some monthly support to be able to go on this trip. If you could, please continue to pray for the outreach and that everything will just fall into place. Also, if you would, please pray about partnering with me and the call of missions on my life. If you feel led to help support me financially, just click the "information" tab above. It would be a tremendous blessing. And if you want to find out more about our trip to Iceland, just click the "iceland" tab above!
Thank you all!
Saturday, February 5, 2011

"What one generation allows, the next generation embraces."
The enemy knows that if he can get us to even slightly accept any bit of compromise in this generation, he will have much more of a foothold on the next generation to come. I mean, it only seems to make sense. The only reasonable solution is that we, as followers of Jesus, would rise to become ones that hold fast to the word of the Lord and do whatever is necessary to live a pure and righteous life before the Lord so that we may not justify the acts of the enemy any longer.
What would it look like to see this generation truly step into the call of purity that Jesus has for us? This call of purity and righteousness is not a gift...it is a calling. Everyone is called to walk in it.
We had the honor of Brian Brennt speaking in our school this week. He has such authority in the area of freedom because he has experienced it and the word of God comes alive when he speaks. Our class was set free of so many bondages the enemy thought he had on us. The chains were broken, and we are stepping into the call of righteousness and purity, not because we have to, but because we desire to. When we taste freedom, it is contagious. The joy of the Lord is our strength to press in. With that joy, we embrace freedom and the call of the Lord...because He is worthy.
Thanks for your prayers and support so far. I am still in need of financial support! The Lord has been miraculously providing. Thank you who are obedient to His voice. Please continue to pray. My Iceland team is doing amazing! The Lord has been providing for them as well and we have been becoming more of a family, which is amazing! I have the best team ever! If you feel led to help support me and desire to partner with me, that would be a tremendous blessing! Just click the "information" tab above!
Thanks again!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Flying Upside Down

What do we tend to hold on to?
What do we think is really our own?
Pondering the old and the new,
We get nothing but the fruit of the seeds that we have sewn.
For when we lay down our rights,
We find rest as we become free.
It sometimes doesn't make sense at first sight,
But in giving up, we become all that we can be.
This week, we had the immense honor of having Loren Cunningham speak to our school for the whole week. His message is so clearly spoken through experience and a true friendship with Jesus. He is real, and that is evident when he speaks. Loren spoke on the love of the Lord and the laying down of our rights. He has such authority to speak in this area due to his radical testimony (read Is That Really You, God? if you get the chance).
When we really think about it, laying down our rights at first sight is probably one of the hardest things to do, because it takes a deep and intimate trust with Father. But what we tend to forget and oversee is the pure freedom we gain in giving up everything in order to follow our King to the ends of the earth. And let's face it, the end of the earth is coming speedily, everything but our gaze upon the Lord and our walk with Him will fall to the wayside.
When the reality of Jesus coming back penetrates our mind, we need to realize that it is worth giving up everything for to prepare the way. It is worth it and it is glorious. This is why I am taking a team to Iceland. We feel the need to go and prepare the way of the King.
We desire to see Iceland awaken to the light of who Jesus is by stoking the flame of revival in the land and to develop communities centered around the power and love of Jesus.
When we hold on to worries and fears and when we can't let go of the things in our life for the sake of our King, our vision begins to perish, and we will miss out on the reality of revival in the nations needed to prepare the way.
Freedom is beautiful, why not step into it with nothing weighing you down?
I am heading out around March 30th for Iceland for 3 months. I am still in need of financial support. I need another $500 monthly to be able to stay on campus and to pour into the lives of my students so they may know who they are and who the Lord truly is. It has been the most amazing thing I could be apart of, and I want to continue to run with these amazing people! Along with that, by February 3rd, I need the first $1000.00 for outreach to be able to purchase plane tickets and get everything ready for us to go!Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray above all. It means so much to me. If you feel led to help support me, that would be a tremendous blessing. Just click the "information" tab above to find out how!
Thanks so much...
...more updates to come
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today during class, we finally announced outreach locations as a school. It has been hard to keep it a secret, but I don't have to for any longer! I have a wonderful team of 6 coming with me in April for a few months to the dreamland of Iceland!
A couple weeks ago, right before the school started, we spoke together as staff about outreach locations. My mind wasn't even close to thinking Iceland. But the night after we first discussed them, the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream, I get off of a plane after they announced we landed in Iceland. As I was greeted by the Icelandic people, they seemed to have had hollowed-out faces; almost as if nothing was there. I knew instantly that the Lord was saying His people in Iceland were empty.
I brought the dream to the team the next day, expecting nothing but a few remarks. That same night, the Lord confirmed the dream in some of the other staff. I knew the Lord was setting something up. That night, I had yet another dream highlighting Iceland. I prayed to the Lord and said, "If this is You, Lord, You need to confirm it and make it an actual location!"
...so He did!
I have an absolutely incredible team of 2 guys and 4 girls coming with me to this amazing place! I know the Lord is going to move in the nation of Iceland powerfully. He has been showing me that our prayers and ministry are not only going to affect Iceland, but also all of Europe, just as the volcano did that irrupted there a year ago. The nation of Iceland longs to know the Lord. These people need to know Him just as much as anyone, and they will!
Jesus, prepare their hearts!
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support! I am going to be needing a lot of financial support to be able to make this happen! Thank you for praying and please continue to do so! It is so powerful. But if you do feel led to help support me financially, that would be a tremendous blessing! Just click the "information" tab above to find out how!
Thanks again!
Iceland, here we come.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
January Hymn

"God's love isn't base on human performance. His love was there before humans could even perform."
-Andy Byrd
No matter how many times I hear of the Lord's love, I am constantly blown away by how much Jesus truly does love us. God created love, He is love, and He loved before we even could understand it. We can't love without knowing the Lord...and we can't love without recognizing His love for us because the very fact that He is love. It is amazing that we can never separate ourselves from His love, meaning we cannot separate ourselves from His pursuit after our heart!
His heart aches when we look the other way, but when we look into His eyes, His heart is moved. It is like the perfect Father, waiting for His son to look to Him, no matter how far off he truly is. The Father just wants to embrace us with open arms, with eyes that permeate the perfect language of love.
This week was the first week of the school, and it has been incredible! We have never seen the move of the Lord like this in the first week of a DTS. There has been such freedom, healing, and growing, more so than I have ever seen. These students are hungry and want the Lord above all else. It is so encouraging to be apart of.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed and supported me thus far. I am right where I need to be, seeing a side of the Lord's heart that I have never seen before. If you are wondering, I am still in need of some monthly financial support. As of right now, I need at least $500 of monthly support. That is $25 from 20 people a month. First and foremost, I appreciate your prayers above all else. Prayer is such a powerful thing! Secondly, please continue to pray and ask the Lord if you can partner with me this season in pouring into these students' lives. If you do feel led, you can click the "information" tab above to find out how to donate! It would be a tremendous blessing for me!
Keep looking out for updates. We found out our outreach locations this week as a school.
They are:
-Europe (Amsterdam, Berlin, France)
-Hawaiian Islands
-West Coast of America
I am leading one of these teams, but I can't say where quite yet! Again, lookout for updates! I will let you know soon!
Thanks again!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Faded from the Winter

It amazes me how the Lord is so continually faithful, even in the midst of all of our chaos. He is never surprised or caught off guard. He knows His children, and He remembers His promises over us. I sometimes get into a panic being reminded of how faithful He truly has been this past year, but thinking what if for some reason He isn't as faithful this year? It is a silly question, but it really does ring in my mind when I let worry and fear override the peace and joy that comes from understanding His faithfulness. It is not like He is surprised by any of that though.
I really feel that this year is going to be one of fulfilled promises from the Lord. Not sure why, but it just seems to fit with His presence increasing as the years continue. I believe He wants to take us deeper on this journey of knowing Him and recognizing His faithfulness to us, even when it looks different than we expected. We need to prepare and hold on to His word if we are to ever see the fulfillment of His promises and blessings! He is a consuming fire, wanting to burn everything else away that does not lead us to His presence. That is what I want!
I Trust Him.
Tomorrow, all of the students arrive for the DTS that I am staffing, and I am more than ready and stoked! We have had an incredible week of preparation, being in prayer and getting the Lord's heart for the school. If some of you don't know, I am currently staffing the Fire and Fragrance DTS here in Kona for this January quarter.
I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do! Thank you all for your prayers and support thus far. I am actually still in need of some help. I believe the Lord will provide, but I want to ask of you two things. First, I would like to ask you to join me in prayer for this journey. I so believe that prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do to lift each other up daily. Secondly, I would like to ask you to pray about partnering with me in supporting me these next few months. I need a total of $500 minimum a month currently. If you would, please pray, and if you feel led to help support me, that would be absolutely incredible and a tremendous blessing. All I need is 25 people to donate $20 a month! It is simple really. You can click the "Information" tab above to find out more and how to donate!
Thank you guys so much!
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